Wyoming draw

Greg Nolan

Nov 25, 2004
Good news/Bad news
We drew the doe antelope tags and I drew the General area "J" Deer. :grin:
We didn't draw either sex antelope by 1 point. :(
JDMAG and Taylor are pondering options and Jonathan is crewless because no one wanted to go that far for a doe. We're going in some fashion for something at some point. :roll:
"We're going in some fashion for something at some point."

:grin: I've started on some grand adventures that way... Best of luck!
Thanks Guy
We'll have fun, see some country and like you said, some of the best trips have started that way.
I got 2 doe tags in the mail today. No buck(any pronghorn) tag BUT when I checked the draw results it said I got a buck tag also. Hope it shows up in the mail it the next few days. Area 96. Now I need to call my friend in Wy and tell him we(my buddy and it put in together) we will be hunting this year. He acts like a guide for us. I am happy!!
Well Greg Me and Tater just picked up the Deer tags for J last night, I also couldn't help but buy us BOTH a preference point for Elk next year. :grin: we'll have a great time.
Are we there yet?