Yard Stick Rack


Jun 24, 2007
Got a new scanner-copier-printer for Christmas today so I thought that I would share one of my favorite picture's.

My Grandmother shot this great muley some time in the early 1950's near Grand Junction CO.
She was at camp getting dinner ready when this buck walked through the camp.
She got her gun, a win lever .218 bee (same rifle that I shot my first deer with) and with one shot through the heart dropped this masive 6x6 muley.

My son paul with the yard stick rack.


Thats a massive mulie! What a buck.

Awesome! Absolutely awesome!

Thanks so much for sharing the story & photo with us!
The question is "What was grandma cooking"?
If we could find that out our deer hunting trips would be a lot more productive. Great dear and thank Grandma for sharing.
Good Hunting
Elkhunt :grin:
Them great old Savage cartriges (I'll bet). Dont mess with Grandma!!! Talk about a family legend! Super rack. CL
I have hunted around Grand Junction for the last three years, but I have not seen such a mule deer buck. More reason to keep at it!

Thanks for posting that photo...jim

That is one heck of a buck !

My hunting buddy's family has a shop with a lot of racks like that one that came from that area as well about that time frame.
If you were to speak to the wildlife biologist right now they would say the deer heard and quality is as good as it's "ever" been. :roll: I can't remember the last buck I saw like that.
Congrats to Grandma !

Thought I'd throw this link in here as well.. it'll work till they change their home page.