Young fellow wants a new rifle.

sask boy

Ammo Smith
Nov 4, 2007
Hi Guys, I received a phone call this morning from one of the young guys that started hunting with us this year. He advised that his wife bought him a new VX 6 for Christmas ( I told him she is a keeper :wink: ) and he does not want to put it on a old rifle. I like the way he thinks as well :mrgreen: he is not sure what caliber he should go with and is torn between the 300s. I suggested the 300 WSM over the Ultra and Win mag. Just wondering what your thoughts are on which would be best :?: he does not load yet and but is very interested in starting. I suggested that he come over to my nephew's when I am down to the farm next as my nephew has all my old equipment and want me to give him the basics.
His name is Dan and is a oil worker so strong like bull :) recoil is not any problem!!

Yeah, his wife is for sure a keeper. I just got my Creedmoor back, and my VX6 is mounted and ready to roll. Any of the rifles you named will work for him, but I am partial to the 300WSM. He wouldn't go wrong with the 300WM, and the 300RUM is certainly a hammer on game. The general availability of a good selection of ammunition would dispose me toward either of the Winchester developed cartridges. However, if he gets into handloading, any of the three would serve him well. As an aside, even big fellows can develop a flinch in very short time if they are not properly fitted for a rifle or if they are not properly schooled in shooting.
Well, I like the .300 Win. mag. so that's what I would suggest. However, having done some load work up in the .300 WSM on a Winchester M70 classic Featherweight, I sure wouldn't turn my nose up at one. Dunno if it was just me or the cartridge but I did find it easier to get accurate loads from the .300 Win. mag. That Featherweight I was working with was a bit temperamental as to what it liked. Damn nice rifle though.
Paul B.
I think if I was advising him, I'd steer him toward the 300WinMag. Why? Well, first off, ammo is more readily available. Especially in remote places. Second, the WinMag is a touch faster than the WSM, despite the best marketing claims of Winchester. It's all about powder capacity, and the WinMag has about 5-8gr more capacity than the WSM. Is the added velocity needed? Nope. But it does mean he'll have a wider velocity window within which to find an accurate load, once he starts loading. He'll also have a bigger selection of factory ammo to try before then.

I like the WSM's, but for the reasons outlined above, I'm advising the WinMag.
I know others may disagree and thats fine but I think the bigger 300's are not really needed for most hunting and they kick harder. I would go with either the 300 WSM, 300 Win Mag or if he really wants to be different and handloads the old 300 H&H.
I would recommend going all out--.30-06.

Why limit your reliable bullet choices? Cup / cores, bondeds, Partitions--all of them work like a charm in the .30-06. I believe some bullets just don't like to hit things at 3200 fps.
Of all the cartridges mentioned, a good grade .300WSM would be (and is) my choice. No real advantage over a .300WM but no real disadvantage either.

I live about as remote as people get and can buy either WM or WSM rounds readily in my town or in Fairbanks. The WSMs are getting pretty popular and I've never had trouble buying cartridges or cases. There may be exceptions to this but once you wind up in a far off spot the likelihood of finding any particluar ammo gets sketchy. A few years ago in a village I couldn't find '06 and .308 ammo anywhere but could get .300s all day long.
What is he going to be hunting? What ranges?

He will be hunting the whole package from Antelope to Moose. I do not think there would be many shots over 400 yards as he was born in the area that he hunts and knows it very well.

Dan, like the others said, the 300WM or the 300WSM are pretty awesome cartridges. So far, the 300WSM is everything I hoped it would be, 180's at 3000 is all I really wanted out of the thing, and I have gotten that pretty easily. Cases seem to be holding up really well, and require little to no maintenance after the first trim job. I may even monkey around with the 200's a little more, just to see, but for me, I like the WSM. I had a 300WM for quite awhile and it was an easy to load for cartridge as well.

Out to 400 yards, both of them are dead ringers. They are still packing alot of energy at 400 and with a 300 yard zero, a few inches of holdover is all that would be required.
It's pretty darn hard to go wrong with a 30-06. They are accurate, pleasant to shoot, and have plenty of pop for any of the animals on his list. Ammunition is everywhere and everyone also chambers for it. The 300 WSM would also be a great choice.
We get cart before horse in discussing caliber before understanding what he'll use if for and how, in what sort of country.

If elk or similar is on the agenda as the main event, hard to go wrong with a 300, assuming he's an experienced shot. Too many folks get magnum rifles, are afraid of them, and as such don't shoot them often or well. Then they wonder why their 300 Blaster Supreme (BS) Magnum lets them down.

Assuming some experience and capability to use a larger rifle in the 300 category, I'm decidedly old think - hard to miss with a 300 Win Mag, or even better, 300 Wby Magnum. I like Winchester Model 70s, and I think the new ones coming out of S.C. are the best since the early '50s.
Very good responses here, and I agree with the other guys.

Great gift, what a wife!

I agree that most all of the 300 magnums are the way to go. I would ,however, suggest skipping the really big ones like the 300 RUM or the 300-378 Wby. I have seem some people develop serious flinch problems with those two. I have a friend who shot the barrel out of a 300 RUM in around 900 rounds.

There is really no difference in performance in the 300 WSM and the 300 Winchester Mag, none at all. Just buy whichever rifle appeals to you. If you want a shorter action rifle, the 300 WSM is the way to go.

Don't forget the 300 Weatherby magnum, great cartridge and finally available in some guns that will not break the bank.
What a wife indeed! Lucky man.

I vote for the 300 WSM for sure. It seems to be the most efficient of the three and factory ammo isnt more expensive and often the least expensive of the three for premium loads. Recoil is the least of those though all three are very accurate cartridges. I have shot and loaded for all three and the WSM is my favorite with the 300 Long Mag coming in second.

Just my $0.02...
I think the 300 WSM would be a great pick. And I own a 300 RUM and love the little bit of extra horsepower it gives you. But I think it would be hard to beat a good shooting 300 WSM.