Ruger MK4 Competition


Nov 5, 2015
Has anyone bought and used this model of the MK4? If so what are your likes or dislikes? Dan.
My niece has a female friend who uses this gun exclusively. (Was given to her as a gift from her husband). It is a real Tack Driver and is easy to disassemble for cleaning.
Don't own one but have shot a friends. The slab side barrel is nice. 6 3/4" barrel gives it nice balance and the thumb rest grips are comfortable. Shoots very accurate with good ammo. I would rather have the full bull but on the Target model you get 5 1/2 or 10" models, the Comp model length is about perfect.
I had a MK3 22/45 Hunter with a 4.4 in barrel. It shot well and was reliable but always wanted something different. After handling the competition I liked the feel and added barrel length. Glad to hear they are shooting well and no problems. Seems they are in short supply so when I find another one I'll be latching onto it. Dan.
Found one at a gun shop about 40 minutes away that I forgot about. It opened back in fall. Hope to hit the range this week. Dan.