Oregon Gun Grabbing?


Nov 8, 2006
For those living in Oregon, how strong is the sentiment to ban AR type rifles? I noted this article in my daily read, and wondered how strong the sentiment is.


It is always worrisome when you see legislation that is "common sense." Somehow, after this many years, much of what passes as "common sense" in the news media or in politics, is not sensible at all.
I also saw on another web site where a group of preachers in Oregon are trying to ban any semi auto rifle with a detachable magazine
Not sure of what or all the particulars but the shysters in St Paul tried to keep a bill banning something (again not sure exactly what) from going through committee, and just pass the provision as part of other legislation. Didn't even make the news, but did not pass. Have that on good authority- CL
Oregon's problems began when Tom McCall was governor, publicly asked people, primarily Californians, to come visit but not stay. Of course they stayed.
Politically Oregon is controlled by a population living between Portland and Eugene a strip of land roughly 100 miles long and 20 miles wide. The Willamette Valley. I'm too lazy to figure it out this morning but I'll wager at least half the states population lives in "The Valley"
In spite of the conservative folks who also live there this region can best be described as very liberal.
Travel an hour east and you'll think you're in another state.
I am not surprised by this coming out of Portland and given the historical failure of Oregons hunters to go to the polls, I would be concerned. I would be surprised if they can't get the signatures needed.
Oregon's hunters have always been easily divided. In Oregon you can't be both a rifle and bow hunter for a given species in a given year. The argument not with standing the legislation was brokered by a relatively few. In spite of the scientific evidence hound hunting for bears and cougar was outlawed. Research showed not only did hunters fail to show up at the polls, those that did split their votes to their detriment. Before the wolves even showed up elk and deer herds began declining do to increased predation.
Of late there are strong and recurring voices in the Oregon Hunters Association to vacate the land owner preference tags system because it's not fair" I don't have a dog in the fight, you need at least 40 acres to get two tags, 40,000 get you ten tags. According to ODFW only half the land available is registered to take advantage of the system. Now landowners must register through the draw, they can still get their tags but the ones who have been attending the ODFW meetings are doing is putting in for the hunts just like everyone else. If they draw there that's one less Portland hunter in the area. Perhaps more significantly they are going after the state, ODFW money, for damage claims, forcing the state to build elk fence. So for a few tags that never impacted how many draw tags would be available Oregon hunters kinda cut off their nose to spite their face to mess with a few small farmers and ranchers who wanted to hunt their own land, land you can bet is no longer available for you to hunt.
So yes, given the history of Oregon's hunters, by extension an important number of Oregon's gun owners I get concerned when I see things like this.

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