Venison Roast for Easter

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
My sons will be here today, joining Mama and I for our Easter meal. It's always good to see them!

Photo is of the raw mule deer roast. It's been marinated for about 24 hours, and seasoned with black pepper, salt, garlic and rosemary.

It's in the sous vide now at 138 degrees, has a couple of hours left. Then I'll sear it in a hot cast iron skillet, slice it and serve it along with red potatoes, broccoli, and more.

Yes, there will be a glass of red wine with dinner. Of course!

I hope everyone is enjoying the day.

Looks to be a delectable meal, Guy. Came home from recording our Facebook message and enjoyed a couple of good sandwiches! Unusual Easter meal, but quite satisfying to just enjoy a quiet meal with Mama. Trust it is a great day with your boys.
Dr. Vette":3l27uo7b said:
How long did you cook it for in total?

Four hours, and though the roast was good, I don't think that was long enough. It was nicely done, medium-rare as expected.

However, if I'd cooked it longer, say 8-12 hours, I think it would have been more tender.

I went over some sous vide recipes and found that they all recommended cooking the roast much longer than I had. So... Lesson learned. :)

It was very good though.

As we discussed, you have to be somewhat cautious with venison. I did steaks again a few days ago, and an hour for those still seems to be the max.

As I've told you before be careful when reading recipes, as most are for beef. That can tolerate a lot more time in the sous vide.

I'd probably aim for 6 or so.
Virtually locked down in the middle of NY's Covid-19 epicenter, my wife and I have never eaten so much game meat in a single month. Moose meat loaf, elk meat balls, venison sausage, wild pork roast and freshwater salmon from Lake Ontario has been the nightly fare.

Oh - and for Easter we couldn't have our traditional leg of lamb so the wife roasted a couple of ducks that I took recently. First time we had mallards for dinner. I rated them "ok". :>)

Many of the stores have been stripped clean of meats but all we need is a little produce and we're go-to-go for months. Got plenty of lettuce coming up in the organic garden so we don't need that either.

By Nov I should have plenty of room in the game freezer. Hopefully, things will normalize to the point that I can replenish the supplies.