Solo disappointment

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
A friend came to the range today to test out a new 9mm Kimber "Solo."

He invited me to shoot it as well. We were using 124 gr FMJ Federal American Eagle ammo.

I noted fine accuracy. Then it started with the malfunctions... Good grief! It was a two-shot wonder, then would jam again. All failures to extract, looking like the infamous "double feed."

Nice pistol, if it would work.

Oh yeah, he bought two of them - and both malfunction. Dang it.

I am sorry o here that.

Their rifles have always sucked for me on various attempts.
Their pistols? Never thus far.
That has to be disappointing. What is the resolution for your friend?
He's taking them back to the dealer who will ship them to Kimber for a once-over, though he's considering trading them for a pair of .38 S&W snub-nose revolvers instead. They were to be gifts for good people in his life.

The dealer is being great about taking them back.

I think the Solo design has potential. It's small, very comfortable to carry & shoot. The first three bullets I sent into the target at 10 yards went into one ragged hole. All was well for about 20 shots, then it started malfunctioning, which is exactly what the other one did. I looked it over but couldn't figure out a fix. Wasn't going to delve any deeper since they're brand new and the dealer will take care of him.

We were using Federal, 124 gr factory FMJ ammo. Usually very reliable.

I've yet to hear or read anything good about the Solo line.
I love my 1911 TLE II and the other two Kimber 1911s I've owned that were 4 inch guns as well.

The pistol I shot recently that is along this same design/theory was a Kahr CW45, it's on the list of future acquistions.
My buddy and I are both very happy with our Kimber 1911 .45's - he bought his after seeing how well mine did over the years.

He was very disappointed in the performance of both the Kimber Solo pistols he bought. After what I saw, I'd be reluctant to buy one and couldn't recommend one.

We'll see what happens, perhaps he'll take them out to the range again after they come back from Kimber.

Hello Guy -
I have a Solo I carry in my pocket everyday and have never had the slightest problem with it. I did note that Kimber says the gun is designed to shoot only 147gr bullets. If your friend ever wants to get rid of one let me know - I like mine well enough I've been looking for one for my wife.
A person going through my handgun class today showed up with a Solo.

Neither of us could make it work well. I suspect it will be traded for something that WORKS soon.

Shame - I'm running into nothing but problems with this one particular pistol. Good looking, but tough to make 'em shoot well.


Were they shooting the 147 gr loads?
I wonder if +P ammo would work better.

Copied this from the Kimber website:

Solo is designed to function optimally using premium hollow-point self-defense factory ammunition with bullet weights of 124 or 147 grains.


• Federal® Hydra-Shok® JHP
• Remington® Golden Saber™ HPJ
• Hornady TAP® JHP

While other ammunition may perform well, lighter bullets and inconsistent pressures that can be found in lower-quality ammunition may lead to decreased slide cycle time and compromise function.

They were using 124 gr FMJ ammo, Remington I believe. It's just disappointing to see these problems with such an expensive little pistol, particularly from Kimber. The whole thing was difficult for the owner to work, yet she had no problem working a .380 Sig, my .38 Special S&W, or even my .45 1911 Kimber.

I'm not totally anti-Solo yet, but I've only seen three at the range, and none worked while everything else including bargain-basement pistols worked... If I owned one that performed like these have, I'd be disappointed.

A new Wolf spring, maybe a little lighter might resolve the cycling issue.

One can't afford to carry a unreliable handgun, that will get you into deep dark trouble fast.

Ran into a similar problem with a Springfield emp. I had just acquired a.bunch of hornady tap for T@E. The
EMP digested that ammo just fine. I got the ammo from hornady for free simply by giving my credentials at the time and letting them know I was trying to solve finicky back up gun issues. Might be worth a call. My wife's Kahr 9mm backup is also a little finicky, it also likes the Hornady tap.