No fish, great afternoon!

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Got out yesterday with the fly rod for the first time this year. Just went up to a couple of local lakes, both of which are reservoirs for the orchards.

Spring Hill Reservoir has a one fish limit, and the trout must be a minimum of 18" to keep.

Upper Wheeler Reservoir is fly fishing only, catch and release.

So both lakes are known to produce some really nice fish! (y) I didn't do well on the catching end of things yesterday, only one nibble, and I didn't set the hook well. Fish swam away. Sigh... But it sure felt good, walking the bank, casting quietly. My casting skills returned quickly. That was nice. An eagle flew low overhead. Life was good.

I'm using the same 6wt Sage I've used for about 20 years. And the same Orvis reel I bought used about 20 years ago. We get along fine. Lots of fish over the years with this rod & reel.


Had the kayak with me, but chose to just walk the bank and cast.


Such a nice, mellow afternoon. :mrgreen:

Man, that’s where it’s at right there. Fish or no fish. I’ve been meaning to get out on the water but between insane work hours and the finicky Michigan spring. Ha.

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