Wildlife Photo Tips

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Stuff I've learned through experience, or from talking with other, more experienced photographers:

1. Have a camera! Sounds silly, but it's true, haul the camera along all the danged time. If not, you'll see something awesome and think "I should have brought my camera."

2. A decent telephoto helps, doesn't have to be huge - but use the telephoto so as to not "crowd" the wildlife. Mine is a 75-300. Usually it's enough.

3. Fast shutter speeds help a lot with wildlife photography. Not only do animals move, but photographers (just like riflemen) quiver, shake, move. A fast shutter speed reduces the blurring effect from movement of either the photographer or the animal/bird. When I started using faster shutter speeds, my photo quality improved.

4. Use something to steady yourself and the camera. A tripod? Lean against a tree or fence, or a vehicle. Keep your arms in, against your torso. That sort of thing. Think of it like a rifleman does, building a solid shooting position.

5. Don't overlook the use of your vehicle as a very portable blind. I've taken an awful lot of my better wildlife photos from either inside the Jeep, or leaning against it. Often animals tolerate the approach of a vehicle better than they tolerate a human walking towards them.

6. Hang out where the animals are. :)

Just some thoughts. Those have all helped me as I learn to be a better photographer. What's worked for you?

Regards, Guy