Winchester 1886 in 45-90!!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I couldn't resist!




That is certainly a handsome acquisition, Fotis. You have to love it!
Dang Fotis!
She's beautiful!!!
Are you going to use trail boss to work up some loads?

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Very nice!

It might be a sacrilege doing so to a new rifle... But I wonder if a lighter/different stain would bring out the nice figure of that grain better? Not being critical, it's beautiful, just a thought that crossed my mind.

Wow! What a rifle. Another nice one Fotis!

How is the recoil on that thing with that curved butt plate?
A stout load on a bad shoulder could be an issue?!?!
I have one, that was made in 1909. It has put up a lot of meat, over the years. Mine like 300-350 grain pills. I have never tried jacketed bullets in it. Elmer Keith style.

Too Tall
I have one, that was made in 1909. It has put up a lot of meat, over the years. Mine like 300-350 grain pills. I have never tried jacketed bullets in it. Elmer Keith style.

Too Tall
Cant remember what profound thing I was gonna say last night....but boy that is impressive. Seriously ...I forgot... Too bad I'm not closer... would be fun to "try out" some sunday afternoon. Have fun! CL
Here are some more pictures. It now wears a Williams FP peep sight. I did not have to remove the rear sight because the peep "prints" right on top of the buckhorn sight and is covered completely! :mrgreen:
