100 gr nos PT/ 243 Win.


Jun 27, 2009
Well we never recovered a bullet on any of little Chili's animals the terminal effect was all you could ask from a bullet. So in total he filled 3 of his 5 tags, and due to poor deer populations we shot single animals in 2 different zones, and from diffrent herds. I am trying to teach him conservation mixed in with meat in the freezer, wella full freezer is nice, but not at the expense of no deer for next falls hunt. He could have filled his mule doe tag out of the same herd within seconds of each other but I and he felt one was enough. So out of his 243 with the handload of. win brass, wlr primer, 42.5 gr hy brid 100 and the nosler PT he fired exactly 3 shots at 3 deer all what I would consider great kill zone shots. The wt buck and the mule doe were taken at ranges of 50 yrds and under. With a 1/4 to neck shot on the buck that exited out 4rth rib back on opposite side penetration about 18" of animal. lungs were soup drt. Mule doe broadside shot(no snow yet) asked him to make the high shoulder shot and he did it perfectly, to my surprise she went 30 yrds down into a slough bottom. Bullet entered front shoulder and punched thru far shoulder witha 2" exit, internals were mush. These shots were great confidence builders and the 4 point really made his day.But my favorite was his last deer, a wt doe we were making our way back to the truck to try another bush when we spotted a deer in the field coming our way, wind was completely wrong and she got a whiff and stopped at 280 yrds, I got him to a knotch in a small poplar tree and he got steady I whispered " same as last time I want cross hairs on top of her shoulder and squeeze" He made a perfect shot she went 10 yrds and piled up, bullet punched thrufront shoulder came out behind other leg again all vitals were soup. This is a pic of the exit wound of his last deer.

That is awesome. Same bullet my boy is using this year as well. Can't get much better performance from a 243. Great shooting on his part, which the 243 makes a little easier on the young hunters. Heck, even most of us old guys really shoot the 243 well too. Scotty
Super, that's great news! A youngster going 3 for 3 on deer, a buck and two does, is fantastic. That he made the last shot in the wrong wind, on a spooked doe, at that distance just adds to the enjoyment and sense of being a "real hunter" for him, I'm sure. Great job with him this season.

I'm pretty impressed with the performance of that 243Win at nearly 300yds, as well. I've always had shots under 200yds when carrying my dad's 243, but that shot at 280+ seems to prove that 300yds is well within range with the 243Win. Nice work on the handloads.
Powerful performance of a fine bullet. That is the way it is supposed to be. It is great that you are encouraging him in the business of wildlife conservation.
Super-7 very nice job by your son. I think he's learning from an excellent teacher it would appear! Those Partitions in the 243 do work great! Nice job and pound him on the back for the rest of us!

Nicely done! Excellent performance with the 243 100 gr PT.
Congratulations to your son, he did great!

6mm Remington":11g0gxx8 said:
Super-7 very nice job by your son. I think he's learning from an excellent teacher it would appear! Those Partitions in the 243 do work great! Nice job and pound him on the back for the rest of us!
He is my nephew , hahaha but hey I treat him like a son.
Congratulations to you and the young hunter - nice work!

Shooting deer from under 50 yards to 280 yards - with the little .243 Win. Three shots, three deer. Very nice indeed.
