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Hi Marshall,

I have the following that I might be willing to trade:

160 AB - 100 count 2nds & 12 count firsts
150 Combined Technology Silver Ballistic Tip (BT's with black coating and silver tips) - 100 count
160 BT - 100 count 2nds

Are any of these of interest to you? If so, which ones? What kind of trade are you talking about?

Shoot Dan I forgot to put in my post how many of these I have😬 I have 198 of these factory first. How is the 150 Ballic tip? Is it stout enough to use for elk?
Be glad to send those dies. What's the address? Probably cheapest to use USPS.
If you want to communicate by text, my number is 509-868-1102.
Checking w/ my cousin who may need a set. If you get a better offer before I get back to you - take it. CL
Hi Brad! Hope all is well. Doing ok down in Midland. Got a retirement package in May so enjoying deceleration! Hunting more, fishing more… lots of home projects that were neglected.

I haven't shouldered a shotgun in many years, thanks for the invite though. Do you get to the club much? I have loads been just waiting for some range time.
I’m streaky. Right now a little discouraged as I had a couple loads that I thought I had dialed and I think my scope can’t handle the recoil. 45/70. Also a 270 that had a solid scope, but the dioptic adjustment wasn’t working, new Leupold 3hd doesn’t appear to hold zero… so need to get those sorted out.. give me a week heads up and I’ll get something ready to shoot and we can have lunch or dinner after shooting
Bought an 8 pound jug of CFE pistol. It works so well in most of my handguns I bit the bullet. Reasonable price and discount coupon made me commit.
HI I JUST GOT MY FIRST 308 WIN for what i been reading here varget perform better with 165 gr up and IMR4895 FOR 147150 AND 155 GR BULLETS CORRECT ME IF I M WRONG PLEASE THANL U ALL.
I've used both powders.I load 45.5grs of Varget with 165 or 168gr bullets.45.0grs of IMR4895 with those same bullet weights.44.5grs of TAC is another one of my favorites.

JD. You seem to have a lot of reloading/shooting experience and I would like to see if you can help me. I have read alot and watched countless videos and there seems to be way too much out there that's conflicting.
Would you be willing help me get some step by step reloading start to finish to find the correct load.
Thanks Jer
What areas are you struggling with?
As for videos, stay away from the YouTube experts, too many yahoos there. Instead, look for ones from RCBS, Hornady etc. Ultimate Reloader is a good channel.
-Focus on the fundamentals of reloading.
-Always cross reference load data with a minimum of 2-3 reloading books.
-Never take Internet load data without cross referencing it to your in loading books.
-Always start low and work up loads.
-If you change any component(s), drop down a bit on the powder charge and work up.
What reloading manuals do you have?


You've made a good choice by taping into the knowledge base of the members here. Most are more than willing to offer help, and trust in the fact you won't be flamed for asking questions. Also, might I interject with an incredible knowledge source? A book series I find very useful is the "ABC's of reloading".
ABC's of Reloading
I seem to have forgotten my password. How do I go about changing it and not risk getting locked out. I had a heck of a time getting an account set up when I first joined and do not want to go through that again.
Why is it
I can’t see some pictures that are posted?
I'm having the same problem. I can see some pics but not others.
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For a fellow shooter, $65 shipped is good. Please let me know address where to send it. I can accept Venmo, if you prefer.
Hey Earl how you doing?
Might be coming up to Portland in September and might have time to stop by and share a cup of coffee.
There's a pistol match in Scarborough that I'm thinking of shooting in on the 8th thru the 10th of Sept.
How far are you from Portland?
35 Whelen
35 Whelen
Hey ,
Good to hear from ya! I am actually 2hrs north of Bangor! Right on the New Brunswick border. Small town called Brookton. Near East Grand Lake. I am usually always around, and always have time for fellow "Nosler" fellas!
35 Whelen
35 Whelen
Oooops just realized that weekend is the International Seaplane fly in, in Greenville, Me. I will be competing in it......... so will not be home till Sunday afternoon.
truck driver
truck driver
Sorry I didn't see this earlier and respond. It seems that there are still glitches with the forum. ( no notifications)
As it turns out I won't be coming up due to scheduling conflicts. Life seems to always get in the way of my fun. lol
Guy, check with your Cardiologist on hunting at alititude. In addition to my heart attack I picked up a permanent case of AFIB. Tried all sorts of ways to get rid of it to no avail. I asked the Doc about hunting in elevation and he stated "keep it below 6000 feet. No more SCUBA diving either. I believe the AFIB is what's causing me the major problem over elevation but for your own safety check with the Doc.
I saw an old post where you recommended an ATN night scope.
I'm looking to get into the night life . The last time I looked through a night vision it was 1968/69 in Vietnam. Was called a "Starlight Scope" Big, bulky and real heavy. I guess things have improved in the last 55 years!!
Thank you in advance for your time.
Semper Fidelis
The ATN THOR4 is one that I really like.
Currently I have the Sig Sauer Echo 3 on my AR-15 22 Nosler.
It works well for me around here. The only issue I have is that I need to wear my reading glasses for a crisp view.

Let me know if you have any questions

Thank you
Happy to help Bill
Don't tell the VA that you shoot, use a chain saw, lawn mower or any loud activity!!!
Semper Fidelis
How many of those 260 Accubonds would you like?

Be happy to send you some.

Portable device not allowed? I can sign on thru pc and laptop (I guess portable), but not on mobile phone. It keeps giving me a message about incorrect login info.