Hi Brad! Hope all is well. Doing ok down in Midland. Got a retirement package in May so enjoying deceleration! Hunting more, fishing more… lots of home projects that were neglected.
HI I JUST GOT MY FIRST 308 WIN for what i been reading here varget perform better with 165 gr up and IMR4895 FOR 147150 AND 155 GR BULLETS CORRECT ME IF I M WRONG PLEASE THANL U ALL.
JD. You seem to have a lot of reloading/shooting experience and I would like to see if you can help me. I have read alot and watched countless videos and there seems to be way too much out there that's conflicting.
Would you be willing help me get some step by step reloading start to finish to find the correct load.
Thanks Jer
I seem to have forgotten my password. How do I go about changing it and not risk getting locked out. I had a heck of a time getting an account set up when I first joined and do not want to go through that again.
Hey Earl how you doing?
Might be coming up to Portland in September and might have time to stop by and share a cup of coffee.
There's a pistol match in Scarborough that I'm thinking of shooting in on the 8th thru the 10th of Sept.
How far are you from Portland?
Guy, check with your Cardiologist on hunting at alititude. In addition to my heart attack I picked up a permanent case of AFIB. Tried all sorts of ways to get rid of it to no avail. I asked the Doc about hunting in elevation and he stated "keep it below 6000 feet. No more SCUBA diving either. I believe the AFIB is what's causing me the major problem over elevation but for your own safety check with the Doc.
I saw an old post where you recommended an ATN night scope.
I'm looking to get into the night life . The last time I looked through a night vision it was 1968/69 in Vietnam. Was called a "Starlight Scope" Big, bulky and real heavy. I guess things have improved in the last 55 years!!
Thank you in advance for your time.
Semper Fidelis
Portable device not allowed? I can sign on thru pc and laptop (I guess portable), but not on mobile phone. It keeps giving me a message about incorrect login info.