Buck Antelope Down


Sep 15, 2005
I have been doing a bit of hobbling around with this boot.
I cannot hunt the way that I would like to hunt. The piece of property that I had permission on was relatively small, and I had one day before there could be other hunters on it.
Given the limitations, I decided to bring out one of my barnburner XP‘s: 26 Nosler, running the 147 ELDM’s at 3045 fps. This set up would take game at distances further than some here it would be comfortable with, but in good conditions it would definitely get the job done.
The impact velocity, stays above 1800 ft./s even past 1050 yards. I have used this XP-100 on a buck antelope serval years ago and it did very good at just over 500 yards.
I knew there was one bigger buck for sure that was pretty heavy, but not very tall. I decided to take what was in front of me, and got the tag filled quickly.
BCG 26 Nosler with the 147 ELDM. Impact velocity at 342 yards was 2614 fps. Slightly quartering shot and he was done right there. Dialed 3.5 MOA with no need to correct for wind. Big thanks to Glenn for his help!
Well done, Catherine looked over my shoulder and simple said “no”. I think she was referring to your fire breathing hand cannon. I remain impressed with your work with those weapons.
Specialty pistols are different for sure.
I have been intrigued with these weird pistols every since Bob Milek started writing about them in the 80's
Congratulations on your lope. Bummer with the foot but you seem to have pushed thru it. I am amazed at the skill and velocity you have with your specialty pistols. Thanks for sharing. Dan.
Sadly, things are getting worse, with the Achilles. Have an appointment with the surgeon this afternoon. Pretty sure there is a partial tear, time and tests will tell.
I have been limping since June with it. I am scheduled for a full knee replacement in early Nov on the same leg, but it may get delayed with the Achilles problem taking precedence.
You just do what you can, when you can.
Probably going to eat a couple of elk tags, and won't be buying my general deer tag or left-over whitetail doe tags. I think I am done hunting for 2022.
Main thing is to get fixed up and then rehab
Sadly, things are getting worse, with the Achilles. Have an appointment with the surgeon this afternoon. Pretty sure there is a partial tear, time and tests will tell.
I have been limping since June with it. I am scheduled for a full knee replacement in early Nov on the same leg, but it may get delayed with the Achilles problem taking precedence.
You just do what you can, when you can.
Probably going to eat a couple of elk tags, and won't be buying my general deer tag or left-over whitetail doe tags. I think I am done hunting for 2022.
Main thing is to get fixed up and then rehab
get better Ernie, and congrats on the Antelope!
My guess would be, most of us here who have some age on us, have one or more health limitations.
Congratulations on your antelope.
Hope you have a speedy recovery on the Achilles tendon injury.

Ernie, we're all pulling for you to get that foot repaired. That is a bummer, for sure. Congratulations on the fine antelope.
Most exceptionally well done! Excellent animal and you didn't let an injury get you down.

Also, I know this is principally a firearms forum, but I have to say I really like that knife of yours.
Michael DeLoach of Nine Run Gun gave this knife to me as a gift
Prayers and good wishes for you Ernie. Way to go - getting out there and tagging you goat. Gotta do what we can when we can. Handsome knife too! CL