Bighorn Rams, Napping in the Sun

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Dog and I went for a nice walk this morning. I'm glad that I brought the camera along. :) These guys were napping in the morning sun, and paid almost no attention to me or the dog.


Dog and I went for a nice walk this morning. I'm glad that I brought the camera along. :) These guys were napping in the morning sun, and paid almost no attention to me or the dog.


Beautiful picture, Guy! That one ram's a fighter.
Dog and I went for a nice walk this morning. I'm glad that I brought the camera along. :) These guys were napping in the morning sun, and paid almost no attention to me or the dog.


Beautiful herd of sheep. They are comfortable, that's for sure.
That’s certainly a nice sight to see. Wish we had a bigger variety of critters around here.
Am fortunate here in central Washington to have quite a variety of wildlife nearby. Within a few miles of home I've seen moose, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goat, mule deer, whitetail, black bear, bobcat and coyotes. River otters are fun to watch but I've yet to get a decent photo of them.

Friends have seen cougar & wolf as well! A bit farther away, in two different locations, the state is working with a couple of tribal groups and bringing back the pronghorn antelope.

Our hunting isn't all that great, it's okay though, and I've been able to do pretty well most years. Drawing the once-in-a-lifetime tags for moose, bighorn sheep or, mountain goat has eluded me so far. Perhaps this will be the year! :)


I've photographed our local bighorns many times. Often they're only about 6 miles from our home! They're fun to watch.

The bighorns are lovely, graceful animals, that's for sure. Great that you are able to capture them in photos as frequently as you do, Guy.
I can believe that! Bulls and bucks don't get big by being stupid! Those rams have grown confident because they aren't hunted. I can tell you that they do learn quickly, though.
I can believe that! Bulls and bucks don't get big by being stupid! Those rams have grown confident because they aren't hunted. I can tell you that they do learn quickly, though.
Very few tags are issued for these herds. Three of my friends have taken rams from these local herds over the years. I keep applying for the tag, but if I never draw it, that's okay too. :)
