I've used my ProChrono unit for years to do my load development, but I've often thought about upgrading to something better. There are times when the weather or light conditions just make things tough on an optical unit.
I know lots of folks use the Mangetospeed, but that one never caught my attention much because I didn't like the thought of mounting anything to my barrel when I'm trying to dial in a load.
Of course, the LabRadar units have been all the rage for a while now for all the cool kids. I've looked at them, but the price and complexity kind of turned me off.
But now this new Garmin Xero C1 unit is a game-changer. Yes, it's a little expensive ($600). But you can literally drop it in your pocket or range bag and it's ready to go in minutes. Every single review that I've watched has been overwhelmingly positive, even when compared to the two units mentioned above. I couldn't resist anymore. Got one on order and it will be here in a few days. I will put it to work in the coming months as I get back into doing load development and testing. I think this will be a great investment. Anyone else already using one?
I know lots of folks use the Mangetospeed, but that one never caught my attention much because I didn't like the thought of mounting anything to my barrel when I'm trying to dial in a load.
Of course, the LabRadar units have been all the rage for a while now for all the cool kids. I've looked at them, but the price and complexity kind of turned me off.
But now this new Garmin Xero C1 unit is a game-changer. Yes, it's a little expensive ($600). But you can literally drop it in your pocket or range bag and it's ready to go in minutes. Every single review that I've watched has been overwhelmingly positive, even when compared to the two units mentioned above. I couldn't resist anymore. Got one on order and it will be here in a few days. I will put it to work in the coming months as I get back into doing load development and testing. I think this will be a great investment. Anyone else already using one?

Xero® C1 Pro Chronograph