Decided to pull the trigger...


May 16, 2016
I've used my ProChrono unit for years to do my load development, but I've often thought about upgrading to something better. There are times when the weather or light conditions just make things tough on an optical unit.

I know lots of folks use the Mangetospeed, but that one never caught my attention much because I didn't like the thought of mounting anything to my barrel when I'm trying to dial in a load.

Of course, the LabRadar units have been all the rage for a while now for all the cool kids. I've looked at them, but the price and complexity kind of turned me off.

But now this new Garmin Xero C1 unit is a game-changer. Yes, it's a little expensive ($600). But you can literally drop it in your pocket or range bag and it's ready to go in minutes. Every single review that I've watched has been overwhelmingly positive, even when compared to the two units mentioned above. I couldn't resist anymore. Got one on order and it will be here in a few days. I will put it to work in the coming months as I get back into doing load development and testing. I think this will be a great investment. Anyone else already using one?


I still have a ProChrony laying around. My go to is the Magnetospeed , someday I’ll upgrade.
The Garmin for now looks like the cat’s meow.
I'd like to hear how it performs for you when you get it & would like to hear about it's long term battery performance.

I still have a Shooting Chrony Gamma Master with Printer that does everything I need it to do ... It won't turn any heads or get me any cool points; just works as it should. I suppose when/if it ever breaks I'll take another look at the Garmin unit & by then hopefully they will have a replaceable battery. Right now all they offer is an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is nonreplaceable. They way I take care of my equipment I anticipate on keeping it for decades ... I'm lucky to get just a few years out of any rechargeable lithium-ion battery whether it's in a camera, cellphone or even a toothbrush.... In my opinion the price is way too high to have it die in a few years due to the rechargeable battery.
I'd like to hear how it performs for you when you get it & would like to hear about it's long term battery performance.

I still have a Shooting Chrony Gamma Master with Printer that does everything I need it to do ... It won't turn any heads or get me any cool points; just works as it should. I suppose when/if it ever breaks I'll take another look at the Garmin unit & by then hopefully they will have a replaceable battery. Right now all they offer is an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is nonreplaceable. They way I take care of my equipment I anticipate on keeping it for decades ... I'm lucky to get just a few years out of any rechargeable lithium-ion battery whether it's in a camera, cellphone or even a toothbrush.... In my opinion the price is way too high to have it die in a few years due to the rechargeable battery.
Well, even if that's the case, there's still an easy solution. Since the battery charges via a USB plug, you can always just connect it to a power bank and run off of that. Unless the battery is totally fried and won't take a charge at all, that solution should work just fine 99% of the time.
I'd like to hear how it performs for you when you get it & would like to hear about it's long term battery performance.

I still have a Shooting Chrony Gamma Master with Printer that does everything I need it to do ... It won't turn any heads or get me any cool points; just works as it should. I suppose when/if it ever breaks I'll take another look at the Garmin unit & by then hopefully they will have a replaceable battery. Right now all they offer is an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery that is nonreplaceable. They way I take care of my equipment I anticipate on keeping it for decades ... I'm lucky to get just a few years out of any rechargeable lithium-ion battery whether it's in a camera, cellphone or even a toothbrush.... In my opinion the price is way too high to have it die in a few years due to the rechargeable battery.
As far as the performance, there are a number of reviews on YouTube where they exercise it pretty extensively, in comparison to the LabRadar and the Magnetospeed, including tests where those units could not measure the velocity accurately, if at all, and the Garmin worked on all of them.
I've had a Garmin since November and have used it on numerous occasions with a variety of calibers. Thus far, I'm EXTREMELY pleased and impressed with it. It is so much more convenient and provides the data most shooters want/need.

As noted, it isn't cheap, but for me the performance and size justify the cost. After you get yours and try it out, I'll be very surprised if you're not happy with it too.

My labradar got destroyed on its second range trip... 300 RUM 230gr N570 and a big brake! Got repaired and have used it every range trip for the last 6yrs. It's read about 97% of all shots. The bluetooth app is unusable.

I really like it to calculate the actual BC instead of relying on listed BCs.
I wish the Garmin had this ability.

That said, I've been praying for Labradar to have competition for several years now! Caldwell had one in the pipeline about 3yrs years ago but it never materialized.

When my LR dies I will definitely get a Garmin.
My labradar got destroyed on its second range trip... 300 RUM 230gr N570 and a big brake! Got repaired and have used it every range trip for the last 6yrs. It's read about 97% of all shots. The bluetooth app is unusable.

I really like it to calculate the actual BC instead of relying on listed BCs.
I wish the Garmin had this ability.

That said, I've been praying for Labradar to have competition for several years now! Caldwell had one in the pipeline about 3yrs years ago but it never materialized.

When my LR dies I will definitely get a Garmin.
Set the Labrador right next to the brake.
That will expedite the Garmin replacement. :)

Set the Labrador right next to the brake.
That will expedite the Garmin replacement. :)

Damn right.
I set it up a few inches in front of the brake per instructions the first malfunction... jarred the freaking guts loose.
That RUM might cut it in half even with the brake, lol.
Damn right.
I set it up a few inches in front of the brake per instructions the first malfunction... jarred the freaking guts loose.
That RUM might cut it in half even with the brake, lol.
Perfect 👍

I’ve been using the Garmin for a few weeks now. It is so easy and just works every dang time. Best money I’ve spent on shooting gear in a long time. Literally set it on the bench, pointed generally down range and it just works.

That's what I like to hear. And that's what every review I watched seemed to show. Just a great piece of kit.