Might there be a single great powder recommendation for both rifle reloading?


Jan 11, 2025
I want to start reloading both a 270 WSM with 150 AccuBond LR and a 6.5 Creedmoor with 143 ELD-X. Might there be an acceptable single powder to use as a starting point?
H4350 works in a lot of rifles. I only use H4350 in my Creedmoor, so consistent and accurate.
I was going to say H4350 or H4831SC or similar burn rates. Superformance might be good. I would have said RL26 but that stuff isn’t around much as is RL17. Hunter would also be a decent fit. That’s assuming heavier bullets in the 6.5 Creed.
Yep, H4350. I’ve loaded .22-250; 243; 257Roberts; 6.5 Creedmore; 264wm; 270win; 275 Rigby; 7mm REM; 308win; 3006; 300wsm; 300H&H; 300wm; 8mmmag; 338win; 338Jarrett; 375HH; Think thats it. Pretty dog gone versatile powder. Two years ago it was about the only powder that was available. I have loads for all my rifles using 4350, it may not be my go to load in all cartidges but I have good workable loads if H4350 is the only available powder going forward.
A compromise in performance and accuracy will probably be detrimental by trying to use the same powder.

The exception would be 130gr in 270wsm and 140 to156gr in 6.5 cm. Then H4350 could work for both.

I use Retumbo and 150gr vld in 270wsm. I use H4350 and rl16 and 140gr in 6.5 cm.
Those powders are pretty far apart in burn rate.
I know and follow the start low and work up rule but have a question with the 6.5 creed. Both Hornaday and Lyman show 40.0 of H4350 as a max load with 147s but Hodgen online is showing 42+ as max. Seems like a pretty large spread and am wondering why?
I got excellent accuracy with IMR4350 in my 270wsm with 150g bullets and also with my son's 6.5 cm and 140g bullets. RL26 gave about the same accuracy with more velocity in both.
I know and follow the start low and work up rule but have a question with the 6.5 creed. Both Hornaday and Lyman show 40.0 of H4350 as a max load with 147s but Hodgen online is showing 42+ as max. Seems like a pretty large spread and am wondering why?
I try and get as many min charges and max charges as I can and make a decision from there.
I have a few loading manuals and there are a few more online that can be had.
Mostly they are not too far apart.
To add...
If applicaple and it's new to me...or trying to find a 1 for all type of powder......

The two I reach for first are IMR4350 and Winchester 760

Neither are the fastest but they work WELL in such a wide range of calibers..

760 meters better between the pair
I have not tried it in a REALLY wide range of cartridges, but I can say that Re16 has shown me that it can be a kind of "broadband" powder much like the 4895s. I've had outstanding results with it in cartridges ranging from .30-06, .260 Remington, and even the 6mm-284. Now that my rifle cartridge loading is limited to .375 Winchester (and maybe not for long), .223 Remington, and .260 Remington I think my stash of XX pounds of Re16 will last me a while.