Little range time 6.5 x 284 / 143 ELD-X


Feb 13, 2016
Had a chat with a friend and he advised me that he spoke to another friend of his who has a MLD ranch who wants to thin the whitetail doe herd, mentioned that it could be next week to harvest a couple of does. I figured that I get the 6.5 x 284 out of the safe this morning and check for sight in with 143 ELD-X, used H4831sc on my load development back in 2024 year. Set up the Xero, a few shots @100 to sight in. Set out the steel at 600 yards in 5-7 mph wind blowing from 315 degrees. Adjusted elevation on the ATACR, settled the crosshairs dead center, and lined up vertically with the left chain bolt, squeezed one round off, a few seconds later,,,,ding center hit, little low, squeezed off another and hit under the first one. I did not adjust for the headwind, figured I was about 2 clicks short for the headwind. Oh well, its seems ready to go. Hopefully hear back from that guy soon on when to meet. Hopefully squeeze some fine dining in the freezer along with that nilgai. Got a rack and a half more space.


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How fast are you pushing those eldx in the 65 284?
H4831sc is a slow powder, I'm 3.2 grains over Nosler book max to get 2890 fps. When I was using max charge in the Nosler manual, I was barely pushing 2700 fps and that was slow. My 6.5 Creed does 2800 fps with H4350 . The slow node with the 6.5 x 284 which made one hole groups was with 48.3 grains and it was at 2650 fps. The faster node is at 52.2 grains, and shoots .25 MOA or better @ 100 with the ELD-X. I ran it up to over 2920 fps, but accuracy was not there at that time, but I could spend extra time with seating depths to find it, but did not want to waste too much time with it when its a .25 MOA hunting rifle. I could do better with Bergers, but prefer the ELD-X over Bergers for hunting, but hey, I still have 10 boxes of 140 Ballistic Tips to try in the future and some Accubonds. ;)