Target bullet for 6.5 CM?


Sep 17, 2013
I have a LH Ruger M77 chambered in 6.5 CM. My main interest in this rifle is for training and short-range target shooting (200 yards).

I have already found a hunting load with the 129 gr. ABLR, but that is not what I intend to use the rifle for.

I am not familiar with what shooters use for target bullets. What bullet(s) would you recommend for (100 & 200 yard) target shooting? Naturally I would like to shoot ragged groups.
Factory rifles are not always capable of consistent ragged groups - some are though.
123-142 grain bullets from a number of manufacturers and or custom boutique bullets.
Berger will have a number of bullets that will do well for you, Sierra Matchkings, Nosler RDF, Lapua, Barnes Match burners, and the Hornady match and ELD-M's to get you started.
My Tikka Tactical absolutely loves Sierra 130 Tipped Matchkings. It has shot very well for me out to 500 yds.

I would also try some 140 BTHPs (pick your preferred brand) as these seem to have a good reputation as well.

One of my standbys (next to the 130 TMKs) is the 147 Hornady ELDM. These have also worked well out of Creedmoors and PRCs at extended distances. They also kill deer really dead.

Good Luck!

You could also look at some of the other less expensive bullets that will work just fine for 200 yard target practice:
  • Sierra 140 gr SGK
  • Sierra 140 gr Pro Hunter
  • Speer 140 gr Hot Cor
  • Hornady 140 gr Interlock
  • Nosler 120 gr or 140 gr Ballistic Tip
  • Speer 140 gr Deep Curl (Fusion in factory ammo)
While they may not all have a boat tail, or high BC's, you don't need these for 200 yard work. And you may be able to find an extremely accurate load with these bullets, and not have to pay a premium for a bullet that may shoot just as accurately in your rifle qasa the more expensive options out there typically used for target work at longer distances.

I do like how the 6.5 CM works with a variety of bullets and weights; just need to find the one that your rifle likes best!

My wife's Steyr 7mm-08 preferred the 140 gr Pro Hunter over the SGK and AccuBond. My BLR 358 Win preferred the 220 gr Hot Cor over the 225 gr Nosler Partition. My first 280 Rem (Browning A Bolt) preferred the 162 gr Interlock BTSP over other premium bullets. My second 6.5x55 (Rem 700 Classic) preferred the original Barnes 140 gr X bullet over the 140 gr Nosler Partition. (These last 2 were during the 90's, predating the AccuBond; my favourite bullet all around...although I am really liking the newer Terminal Ascent bullets too.

You won't know until you try!
I have used several bullets in my Creedmoor, most of them shot very well. I suggest using the Hornady ELD-M's in 140 and 147 grains and Berger Hybrids in 140 grain. They shoot very well for me, you could try the lighter bullets in 120 to 130 class for shorter ranges. Most of the bullet weights I have played with was the 140 -147 grains and the 120 grain Ballistic Tips. As the other bullets the above posters have suggested should shoot very well as well, I haven't experimented with much since the Berger Hybrids is my go to bullet for target shooting. As for hunting, I stick with the Nosler Ballistic Tips and the ELD-X and M's.
Factory rifles are not always capable of consistent ragged groups - some are though.
123-142 grain bullets from a number of manufacturers and or custom boutique bullets.
Berger will have a number of bullets that will do well for you, Sierra Matchkings, Nosler RDF, Lapua, Barnes Match burners, and the Hornady match and ELD-M's to get you started.

Yes, factory rifles are not always capable of consistent ragged groups, and this is a factory rifle. In reality, I would be happy with consistent 1/2 M.O.A. groups.

All of my rifle reloading experience has been for hunting applications, using hunting bullets. I have NEVER tried to find just how good a rifle could shoot with target bullets. This rifle's purpose is help me fine tune my reloading techniques, help a couple of hunters become better shooters, and provide a low recoil rifle for fun shooting.

Although I may never achieve ragged hole groups with this rifle, I am on my way to 1/2 M.O.A. and I haven't gotten into good fireformed brass yet.

I look forward to loading some actual target type bullets in good fireformed brass.



Dan, would you happen to have a .263" expander mandrel? I use the .263" , try to see if the pattern changes. I always liked .001" neck tension.
Your groups do not look shabby at all, a seating depth change can tighten that baby up. Should improve groups once brass are fireformed.
I always stuck with H4350 because it shot so good that no other powder is needed. Looks like you do have more velocity in that Creed, I was shooting at 3,020 fps with the 120 BT.
Good start. Tension can be a tricky thing. Some like more, and some like less.
A new crown and make sure the stock is bedded well, can also help things...If needed.
The bullets last influence before it leaves your rifle is the crown.
Precision reloading can be a educational, fun and enlightening, and sometimes frustrating and a humbling journey.
Others would call it, a never ending rabbit hole 😇
What front rest and rear bag are you using?
Optic and Base and rings you are using?
Trigger pull weight?
Consistency in all things is a goal.
This is the best forend bag rider that I have seen to date.
Giving yourself a 3" wide forend that is well-made is important to be consistent.
The more skilled the shooter, the more difficult types of shooting they can do, and still shoot tight...Assuming they are shooting a well made rig with good loads
Kind of extreme here...7mmx300 PRC with (18" barrel) with a Berger 190 grain LR Hybrid at 2753 fps. The weight is under 16 pounds.
The weight in a BR rifle for 600/1K matches would be 17 pounds or under for LG, and the sky is the limit for HG.
The more recoil, the more difficult it is to shoot consistently tight groups.
If your firearm is torquing differently from shot to shot your groups will be inconsistent.
If your handling of the rifle with your hand(s) is different from shot to shot your groups will be in consistent.
The older barrel in this BR pistol (7mm WSM with 180 JLK's) at a 1K match shot a sub 4" group for 5-shots at 1000 yards.

How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go??? 😇
Other side of the BR spectrum for 1K shooting...7.5 pound bench pistol.
My BATMAN Pistol: 6mm Long Dasher with 105 Hybrid's at around 2750ish fps (15" barrel).
Yes, it shoots very tight.
I am spotting for a good friend Aaron shooting my pistol in the video - He Won!

Below is my shooting the same BR pistol.
In another year, with the same 7.5 pound BR pistol. Three 5-Shot Groups at 500 yards. It was a good 3-group agg for me.

My F-Open rifle.
284 Winchester - Good Conditions
10 Shots at 800 yards...Not at a match. Just goofing around

What is my point?
If you are going for groups, learn what it takes to become consistent.
It is a systems approach
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Dan, would you happen to have a .263" expander mandrel? I use the .263" , try to see if the pattern changes. I always liked .001" neck tension.
Your groups do not look shabby at all, a seating depth change can tighten that baby up. Should improve groups once brass are fireformed.
I always stuck with H4350 because it shot so good that no other powder is needed. Looks like you do have more velocity in that Creed, I was shooting at 3,020 fps with the 120 BT.
Mark, thank you for your thoughts. Yes, I have a .263" expander. I just ran it through the remaining 14 new cases that I have. I will try the same load as the last one above the .263" expander.

I have H-4350 but I have been saving it for once I have fired 50 of the new cases. I have a lot more of RL-16 so I have been using that to fire the new cases. So far, I have mostly been trying to get a feel for charge weight vs velocity and bullet jumps. Both the 129 gr. ABLR and the 120 gr. BT seem to like about a 0.030" to 0.035" bullet jump.

I found that the Lapua brass has much less case volume (and greater case weight) than the Hornady brass from factory loads.

I have loaded some cartridges faster, but the accuracy was less. But, I am still very early in this project.
Good start. Tension can be a tricky thing. Some like more, and some like less.
A new crown and make sure the stock is bedded well, can also help things...If needed.
The bullets last influence before it leaves your rifle is the crown.
Precision reloading can be a educational, fun and enlightening, and sometimes frustrating and a humbling journey.
Others would call it, a never ending rabbit hole 😇
What front rest and rear bag are you using?
Optic and Base and rings you are using?
Trigger pull weight?
Consistency in all things is a goal.
There is no doubt that you out class me all the way around. I could only dream of shooting like you. I have seen some of your equipment and it is exquisite.

My 6.5 CM rifle is not a target shooting set-up. I would call it a good hunting set-up except the action is not bedded. It does have a target crown and tight chamber. If I really get into the 6.5 CM I could always have my gunsmith build a custom rifle for me.

I completely understand all of your comments concerning "going down the rabbit hole". In the last year I have gotten into annealing brass and neck turning. Neither of which I ever expected to do. However, I have seen the benefits of the efforts.

I can't recall what my bags are right now, but they are not 3" wide forearms and micrometer adjustable front rests. I do try to be consistent. I have found it is a lot easier to be consistent with the 6.5 CM compared to the 300 magnums.

The rings are the standard Ruger rings, and the scope is a Leupold 3.5-10x40.

The trigger pull is about 40-44 oz, just under 3 lbs. I was pleased with my shooting today, in that for all 16 shots I took, I was "surprised" when the rifle went off. There was no anticipation.

Thanks for all of your insights.
This is NOT about outclassing anyone or any gun.
It is about the recognition that when you are trying for consistent accuracy, it is harder to than you would think when watching a video or reading on the internet.
I imagine if I went to a 1K BR match or F-Class match, some folks on here would beat me.
Why? Several reasons, with one of them being, I have not been competing on a regular basis and it would show.

I CANNOT reproduce those groups on demand in any condition or on any given day.
Some days really stink. Other days, it is my day to look good....And Everything in between. That is reality.

Just conditions alone, is a bigger issue than most people realize.
If you have seen pics of the 100/200 yard BR folks wind flags, it is insane...So many minute little condition changes that actually do make a difference.

More than anything, have fun.
Keep up the documenting of your groups.
As you keep it up, I believe you are going to see improvements!
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