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  1. D


    Welcome Pat............from another FNG. Just started a couple days ago. Like you I had tried other forums and they always seemed to end up a p***ing contest of one for or another. My overall impression and what I really like...........kinda like and evening after hunting in hunting cabin...
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    My Peashooter

    Ah, a kindred spirit. I got my taste for it in my early 20's hunting in SE Alaska. Loved working the areas around a muskegg..........
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    My Peashooter

    It has and it will again in the future. One of the things I "discovered" here in MS is swamp hunting. Not quite like LA swamps but heavy ground cover and lots of wet. I've always preferred stalking and I find swamps just adorable. But I'm weird and anyone who's known me very long(5mins)...
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    My Peashooter

    That it is, JD!
  5. D

    My Peashooter

    Yeah, I had never heard of "Howa" until I got this. It just kinda blew my socks off when I first shot it. Of course, after that I did some research and my surprise kinda went out the door.
  6. D

    My Peashooter

    It's a Howa M-1500 Sporter, .270 Win., 22" bbl., with a Nikko Sterling 3x9 scope. Nothing fancy, but shoots true.
  7. D

    Another win for the 155 J4

    Yeah, glad to hear that.........2nd thought was to take my peashooter and go home!!! :oops:
  8. D

    Another win for the 155 J4

    Whew..........seen "155" in the subject line and 1st thought was someone here is shooting a "Long Tom"............
  9. D

    shooting with both eyes open?

    Yeah, I have the same problem, two different "pictures" and I can't see either properly. I don't know if it's because I grew up shooting with one eye closed or something with my wiring. I also can't see those funny pictures that you stare at and they become something else.
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    Range day 2/14/12 WBY style

    Uh Fotis??? Aren't varmint rounds supposed to be smaller then the varmints???
  11. D

    new personal best... with a 270 wsm!

    Hey Jmad......... That is some hellacious shooting!!!
  12. D

    Call the wambulance!! (whine, sob, cry)

    Hey JD.........for me a lot of the expense is covered as a perq of my job. I have three.
  13. D

    New loading bench?

    "Saving money" was the initial justification I used to start reloading. That worked so well and I saved enough that I could afford more guns to reload for.................After about three months of that I just said to hell with it and decided I liked it and was gonna do more of it...
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    Call the wambulance!! (whine, sob, cry)

    Geez Elkman, whyn't you tell me this like 3 months ago???? :oops:
  15. D

    New loading bench?

    Oh lord, why'd y'all have to do this to me??? I been nice, ain't said no cuss words, ain't said no bad things about anyone........hell, I even take a bath every evening........and this is what I get....... (digging thru lumber list, wondering can I still get 1" marine...
  16. D


    Thanks Elkman. Yeah, I had about given up on any sort of shooting forums. I only wish I had done this about 3 months ago. Got at least 2 more days of being "layed up". Then back at 'em.
  17. D

    Flat Trajectory?

    While it's certainly somewhere in the back of what little brains I have, this subject has always been more of an "excuse"(like I needed one) to do some long range target practice. I use deer sized cardboard targets and 100 yd increments out to what ever my longest shot may be. This serves the...
  18. D


    I know exactly what you mean. My Howa 1500 ain't ugly, but I had never considered one. This one was a "gift" for doing some driving for my wife's sister about 8 years ago. Went with the BroInLaw to a pawn shop/gunshop to pick out a hunting rifle. I thought I would give a .270 a try. Was...
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    Call the wambulance!! (whine, sob, cry)

    Thanks Doc. Next week start loading workup rounds and the varmints on the farm are gonna catch hell this year.........I was really excited about hunting they are gonna pay the price for my disappointment...........
  20. D

    Favorite 22LR of all time?

    My first 22LR was an old Marlin bolt action that my dad gave me for my 8th birthday. I loved that thing, but it weighed as much as my dad's 30.06. It has since moved on to various family members. My favorite is actually two. Both Ruger 10/22s. On is my "farm" gun, a stock 10/22 stainless...