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  1. J

    Changing Maximums

    Full length resized cases, bullets have to be seated deeper in the Tika because of the magazine length. It's all older brass maybe fired five or six time. Rick headspace issues?? How would that work?? Jim
  2. J

    Accuracy Changes

    You would think with four sets and all good groups I'd get better accuracy than almost a two inch group after.
  3. J

    Changing Maximums

    I'll keep I eye on the brass he shoots to see if anything changes. He'll probably only shoot a hand full of rounds so he will just have to make do this year.
  4. J

    Changing Maximums

    The other thing that I'm a little surprised with is this 300 WM I'm loading. It's a older Tika. I've loaded for this rifle since the owner bought it. The loads as mine WERE, past tense here, hot to say the least. He's about one grain less than mine. Last minute he says he wants to go hunting...
  5. J

    Accuracy Changes

    I go down the bench yesterday for three things. First to check sight in and the 130 AB loads for the 6.5. Shoot a group of five, three shots cool down and shot two more. 3/4" and it is hitting 2 1/2" at 100 yards. Second and I'll post a new topic about this rifle later but to get a load for a...
  6. J

    Hi Guys

    Pop thanks for that tip. Is this mostly RCBS dies or is this inherent with all types. I should have a chance today to look at this.
  7. J

    Hi Guys

    Welcome ofdscooby Very good seating tips here. I learned DrMike's quite a while ago and it actually improves accuracy. Noticeably. I have used a ogive comparator tool for a long time also. Only time I measure the base to tip is in a couple of rifles that have short magazines. ofdscooby you...
  8. J

    .264 WM Madness!

    I went down this afternoon and got the 6.5 Ruger sighted in and ready for the next two weeks of hunting. Five shoot group, three and wait then two more, for 3/4". 130 ABs at 3400 ft/sec. Hunting small deer not elk with this load. Is it hopeful thinking here but does there not a seam to be a...
  9. J

    Accubond Performance on Elk

    Well I'm concerned. The AB is not a partition for sure. It did go through a lot of bone.... Velocity was not super fast though. Well lets see. I just bought an other box of 130s for my 6.5 Ruger. These are just meat deer loads but I's sure be kicking myself is monster whitetail walked out and I...
  10. J

    Successful Elk Hunt

    Elkman with the observation of that one that kind of stand out alone, I've noticed that in lot of species. Do you think they are like really ugly individuals, what is up with that. Maybe just bad attitude and thus shunned by the rest of the herd. LOL Jim
  11. J

    130 Accubond-YIKES!!!

    Nosler has probably the best selection of quality bullets and weights for the 6.5. More than any other manufacture. Only in the e-tips are we left high and dry. I have a question that has got me wondering a bit. Why, besides marketing does Nosler offer the AB in both 130s and 140s. IMO if I...
  12. J

    Brass ?

    POP I just went out and checked and the 25-06 loads are still in great shape, no flaking after setting there for over ten years. Someone should buy me a 25-06 to shoot them forty odd rounds out of. LOL
  13. J

    Grizzly Bear Populations in Yellowstone

    Agreed!!! That would be funny to see what the public outcry would be if it was decided to release large predators in the urban parks. Not In My Backyard !!!! Jim
  14. J

    Brass ?

    I used some nickel plated 30-06 brass for 25-06 loads a few years ago and really never seen much difference. Flaking, never seen it happen. Jim
  15. J

    A Culprit Behind Poor Accuracy

    Thanks bullet. This is definitely one more thing I'll have in my arsenal of things to look at when accuracy starts to go south.
  16. J

    25-06 CDL

    But if I would have caught the ..... an other story completely. So glad we are out in a rural area now and don't have to lock the doors at all. And there are more places to bury the body if you catch them. LOL After that comment I'm probably on a RCMP watch list. LOL
  17. J

    25-06 CDL

    A match set 35 and 25. Had exactly that till some SOB came into my home and stole the 25-06. Then the "peace" officer that investigated charged me with unsafe storage of firearms. Of course the judge threw it out of court but the lawyer cost me $1200 at the time.
  18. J

    Grizzly Bear Populations in Yellowstone

    Just look at the incidents in the national parks. Banff is a good example. The tree huggers want the bears but not in their back yards. I've seen coyotes in Calgary you could get to with in 20 yards of. This is not good. Most people think this is all good till some ones toy poodle gets eaten. Jim
  19. J

    160 Grain Accubond in .280 Remington - - Seating Depth

    Just throwing this out for comments. Could there be a correlation between pressure and accuracy. This seams to me, a person that hasn't loaded for the 280 a bit on the warm side. As Weatherby has done, allowed for a bit of a bullet jump and was able to generate high velocities and not increasing...
  20. J

    Grizzly Bear Populations in Yellowstone

    Celebrities, actors and rock stars giving "advice", voice to causes. Well if you ever listen to these guys they are usually flakes, bubble heads. I don't think they could do their guys if they weren't. But the public listens to them because they like their songs or a character they played in a...