Grizzly Bear Populations in Yellowstone

I hunted about 6-8 miles out of Yellowstone last October and saw two different grizzly. The second one was a sow with two cubs. Not sure what the first one was as it was about 300 yds away. We had them all around our camp at night but the dogs kept them at bay and ran them off.
The whole Endangered Species Act (ESA)is a bad joke. Have to deal with it on a daily basis. Wolves are the worst example the real number of wolves in Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming is close to 3000 the counted number (how in god's green earth can you count all the wolves)is 1800 plus. The target goal for delisting when the feds reintroduced the damn things was 300. Live stock losses have be staggering to some producers; 120 rams in one night in SW Montana. Which by the way is where we use to hunt elk. Thelivestock compensation fund is out of money until fical 2011. For the record it takes a confirmed kill to be compensated a study in Idaho concluded that for ever confirmed wolf kill 7 others take place that can not be confirmed. Hard to confirm when a pack of wolves can reduce a 500 pound calf to all but nothing in one night.
We have shot elk within half a mile of where the big sheep kill took place. We don't even bother making the trip down there anymore. They have really pounded the elk herd, in some location the rate of survial of elk calves is 03% (making it through their fist winter) Montana and Idaho played very nice did all the things that they where suppose to do. Spent a lot of money and manpower and still got tossed under the bus by Judge Donld Malloy. It is all about money, Defenders of Wildlife milks millions out of metro crowd who really think they are saving these poor creatures from extintion.

In terms of grizzlys the politics is that much worse. There are so many grizzlys in both Yellowstone and North Westen Montana. Had six on our place all summer had some significant lifestock losses and we can not do a thing about it. We are on the valley floor in a very developed Ag area this is not wilderness. At least 15 grizzlys within a 5 mile radius. Worst part they are slow starting to loose their respect for humans. Come to the conclusion that the ESA should be renamed the Wildlife Bioligist Employment Act because for each griz there seem to be at least 10 people employed to do, well I don't know what they do other then spend tax dollars.

Feel better now
Yes, I've got friends in Wyoming, east of Yellowstone. Good hunting country and I've been there a few times. The locals tend to be very, very bear aware... With good reason. Bear attack killed a guy up there just a few months ago.

When my pard and I were hunting mule deer there a year ago, we were silently walking up a canyon on a foot path and came across grizzly sow & cub tracks. That gave us something to think about while hunting deer with our .270 & .25-06 rifles... :shock: We're likely both carrying .30 cal rifles next year when we go back for another deer hunt. Thinking about one of those portable electric fences to put around camp too, for peace of mind at night.

Though the evidence is admittedly anecdotal, I can tell you that in my grizzly hunting area, there is also a large wolf population. Whereas three years ago I would have seen significant numbers of moose, elk and deer on a daily basis, on a recent trip I saw four moose (two cows and calves), no elk and a total of sever deer (combining whitetail and mule deer). The predators have decimated the ungulate populations. I counted at least 15 separate grizzlies from spoor and scat. There are wolves in every valley now. Of course, the population will collapse now that the ungulates have moved out. I know that for myself, I carry enough rifle when going into these areas--even when grouse hunting--to dissuade any agitated bears. It is foolish to be on the ground with freshly killed meat and anything less than a 7mm RM or equivalent cartridge.


I recall a biologist paid by the Ministry of the Environment responding to a question about wolf hunting: "One afternoon on the streets of Vancouver will generate 5,000 signatures to ban wolf hunting." Tragically, he is correct. Obviously, that is true of grizzlies, as well. However, the problem is exaggerated because of American actors and actresses and politicians who insist that they know more about where we live and what we live with than we do!
Celebrities, actors and rock stars giving "advice", voice to causes. Well if you ever listen to these guys they are usually flakes, bubble heads. I don't think they could do their guys if they weren't. But the public listens to them because they like their songs or a character they played in a movie.

Dr. Mike

And the less these folks know about animals the more they spout off. Pitty they do far more harm to wildlife then good. If I remember correctly there was a study out of Yellowstone that concluded each wolf eats approximately 37 elk / year. Don't remember the details but I do know both the griz and the wolves eat a lot of elk calves.

The other factor that is becoming scary is how grizzlys and wolves are losing their fear of man. Our top spot on the food chain is being challenged.
Just look at the incidents in the national parks. Banff is a good example. The tree huggers want the bears but not in their back yards. I've seen coyotes in Calgary you could get to with in 20 yards of. This is not good. Most people think this is all good till some ones toy poodle gets eaten.

Or children are bitten as has happened in Vancouver.
When the wolves first showed up in Montana, Anne McDowell had a ranch in the Nine Mile. She was a big wolf advicate until they killed her dog. Then the wolves were not so glorius.

It is very easy to be an advocate for large preditors when you live in an Urban Penthouse. Like the idea that if wolves, bears, and lions are so good for us in the rural areas then shouldn't they be just as good in lets say New Yorks Central Park? Besides if the Bears were released there they might not beat the truck back to where they were caught. I am sure that lots of Metro Areas have suitable habbitat. A few dozen grizzlys could really clean up a lot of gang activity. What do you guys think?

That would be funny to see what the public outcry would be if it was decided to release large predators in the urban parks. Not In My Backyard !!!!

I would support that! Putting some grizzlies or Mt Lions in the big city parks would tame people some! Scotty
Grizzlies in Central Park! Mountain Lions in Golden Gate Park! Now that is really funny. :lol:
I am all for it but rather than send them all the way to the east coast, lets have DrMike capture one, I will take a U haul van up and pick it up and will drop it off in down town Seattle. It will have the same effect on the bleeding heart liberials there as on the east coast.
Does Patty Murray have need for a mama grizzly? Would Chris Gregoire want a few bears in Olympia?
Elkman":230hu55d said:
I am all for it but rather than send them all the way to the east coast, lets have DrMike capture one, I will take a U haul van up and pick it up and will drop it off in down town Seattle. It will have the same effect on the bleeding heart liberials there as on the east coast.

I would ride along for that, and since we are up in those parts, might as well do a little hunting also! Scotty