All packed and ready to go. Taking off for a Colorado second season bull elk hunt in unit 62.
Haven't decided which rifle to use. My 325wsm ss a-bolt is grouping a bit over 1" using 200gr accubonds or my 358win m88 that is grouping about the same using 225 accubonds. So I think I will take...
The only pesky insect's might be fly's and hornets. I carry a can of pepper to sprinkle on any any exposed meaty areas on the animal carcase. For some reason fly's and hornets will not go near pepper.
Quick and easy tasty spaghetti
• Simmer ½ cup of diced onion in sauce pan lightly coated with olive oil one or two minutes.
• Add 15 oz can of diced tomatoes, 15 oz can of tomato sauce, 4 oz of tomato paste, couple dashes of Italian seasoning, oregano, onion powder, minced garlic...
Found this interesting if not terrifying post on another forum.
So, what's all the babble about? 99% of the news I listen to is Fox. The other 1% is from our local paper and tv station web sites. Over the last few days, the left and the left leaning want to blame Fox and to some extent the...
My brother in-law sent this to me today. Good by guns.
Subject: Gun law HR 45
Just for checking here is the snopes website
This is true this is WHAT IS HAPPENING TO OUR COUNTRY!!!
HR45 Gun Owners Watch Out Concerning the Blair-Holt...