4 Antelope down!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
I went hunting goats today with my boy Stephan. He was using hos 270 Winchester in the form of a Savage 111f.
130 Ballistic tips at 3080 fps with H4831.
I was using my Ruger #1 25-06 with 110 AB's at 3265 fps with RL 25. To make a long story short,

Stephan shot his nice size buck 247 yards double lung. Exited fully.



My buck was taken at 348 yards shot facing me . Shot went base of neck. Will try to dig it out tomorrow.


Then I used Stephan's 270 for this small doe at 255 yards (double lung) for jerky.

Then Stephan shot his doe at 155 yards. double lung fully exited again.


Over all a great day.!
pm me your address..... might take a while though...
That looks like a super day. Congratulations to you and Stephen on a job well done.

Congratulations to both Stephan and yourself on a very successful goat hunt. You both did great and shot some very nice looking animals. Stephan's buck sure has some nice cutters.
Nicely done fellas.

WQW!! Stephan can really pick some heavy ones!! Nice goats, good time. looks like!! Only bad part is now your done!! CL
Thanks guys!
Now for the butchering today............ :shock:
Congrats to both of you POP!! Good shooting by the both of you.

Them 130 BT's seem to work ok dont they?

Did you get a chance to recover that 110g AB?? Was it a bang flop??
Remmy It was bang flop like I have never seen before. Total penetration, followed the bullet path during butchering...no dice.
Way to go Pop! My father in law from LaGrange took a doe lope. I don't think he has hunted for 30 years. So at 70 years old with 4 heart bypasses he gotter done. Think of all the years you have to hunt those critters...
