I had to take my son to Academy this afternoon to go ahead and get some new baseball pants and cleats for this spring, the boy is growing like a weed!! Naturally, I slide over to the ammo / hunting section before we leave. Lo and behold I see multiple packs of 100 Winchester large rifle primers...
I have decided to wok on "potential" elk loads for 3 different rifles that I own. My question is what would you elk hunters recommend on obtaining velocities with the bullets / rifle calibers listed below:
I know the more velocity the better but I am trying to learn a lot here and want to leave...
I had posted a while back about some issues with my magnetospeed chrono. Never could get it right so i went with the Garmin. That thing is SWEET! Love the simplicity and the bluetooth feature to send info to the phone.
The rifle I shot tonight was a Tikka T3X in 7 Rem mag. I recently had this...
I have a magnetospeed sporter chronograph. When shooting today I got a bayo sen2 reading on the display. Has anyone ever had this happen and what was your solution?
So my brother picked up a Browning X bolt with a recoil hawg brake in 7mmPRC. He was sighting it in today and I had to give it a try. He was shooting Hornady outfitter 160gr CX ammo. I pulled the trigger on the rifle and I swear the recoil felt like a a hot 6.5 creedmoor load. I expected a lot...
I am shooting a Browning X bolt 22 inch tube
Lapua brass CCI BR2 primer.
120 gr Barnes TTSX
I am wanting to shoot Staball 6.5 and also Reloader 16.
I have shot an initial load with both and had good looking results. Wanting to see quickload info so I have a little info on how far I can go...
My son has anything that he would ever really need as a kid and is only into hunting and sports so for next Christmas I want to plan a hunting trip that we could take during Christmas break. My two nephews are about the same as my son in terms of their love of hunting so they would probably go...
So I have a place on my property where I can get off some 200 yard practice with a great backstop. However, I would have to shoot across our lake . Disclaimer; I have a high lake dam and will not be shooting into water and not even shooting at a target that will be close to the water. Gravity is...
My rifle is a Browning X-Bolt 22 in barrel
CCI BR-2 primer
Bullet is 120 gr Barnes TTSX
Lapua brass
Powder I would like to try is BL-C2. I have shot really good groups with this powder and want to see if I can the TTSX to shoot with it.
Thanks in advance for all help.
Youth weekend in Ky this past weekend. I took my son up on a knob for his first trip in a tree stand. I have a 2 man ladder stand and we settled in (safely strapped in). At 8:35 a couple of does were side hilling on the knob. Not in any hurry just eating and slowly walking. They hung around for...
I have a Ruger American in 243 (22 inch barrel) that has proven to be very accurate with 95gr SST bullets and 65 gr V-Max bullets. I have been working on developing a 95 gr Nosler ballistic tip hunting load for this rifle. What I have noticed over the few years that I have owned this rifle and...
Shot a good group the other day .781 inches out of my 270 with the 130 gr Nosler ballistic tip. Powder was Reloader 17 at 55 grains and I got an average velocity of 3125 fps. I have never gotten close to that velocity in my 270 so I was very surprised. I was hoping for approximately 3000 fps. My...
i hate to ask and I know it is not ideal for the 7mag but my rifle really likes Reloader 17.
Rifle Tikka 7 mag with a 24 inch barrel
Powder Reloader 17
Bullet 140 gr Barnes TTSX
Primer CCI Large rifle magnum
I would like to try and work up a good load for this bullet and I cannot find any load...
Was able to do some shooting recently. i have been trying to work up a 308 load with the 130gr Barnes TTSX. The rifle is a black Friday Cabela's special Savage axis 2 with a 22 inch barrel. Powder was a below max load of BL-C2. The top hole you see in the pic is a fouler. The bottom hole is 3...
As I stated in one of my goals for 2023 I want to learn the 308 I have in the safe. So I picked up some new powders to try out. Accurate 4064,2495 and CFE 223. I want to try and do a ladder test. I have done them before using my chrono and going up in powder charge .2 grains for each load. My...
I want to load either the 130 gr Barnes TTSX, 125 gr Accubond or 150 gr Ballistic Tip in a 308win. I have some powders on hand to try but I have quite a bit of Reloader 16. Anyone tried R16 in 308?
Alliant only lists data for R15 and R17 in 308win.
Other powders I can try are Varget, IMR 4064...
I had nine pieces of brass left in a batch that needed to be shot in order for me to resize all of the brass in that 7-08 box. So I decided to do a little velocity testing. I created three 3 shot groups with 3 different powders, R16, R17, H4350 with a 140 Nosler ballistic tip. I loaded each...
I spend a lot of time researching reloading data. Mainly because I like to learn and my wife is either reading or watching something I don't care to watch on TV. As I look at the 7-08 nosler reloading data I notice that their test barrel is a 26 inch Wiseman barrel. How many people have ever...
Cabelas had a black Friday deal of a savage axis 2 for $299.99 if the buyer used their cabela's club credit card. Since my daughter got her first deer this year I decided I would get her a new rifle for Christmas and figured since they were so cheap I would grab a 308 as well. I had been wanting...