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  1. TNBillyEarl

    Different style Accubonds?

    Friends, please see the pic below of two 140g Nosler Accubonds. The Factory Second (see bag under the bullets) has the green tip, a cannelure (sp?), and is a tad longer. The traditional Accubond is on the right. What's the story on this? I can't remember where I picked these up, but the bag...
  2. TNBillyEarl

    Research article on differences in handloading vs factory loads (only lead-free was studied, but interesting nonetheless)

    Published last week: A couple things surprised me. Very interesting read... -B
  3. TNBillyEarl

    Bertram Brass and an orange hue?

    I received some 7mmWSM brass from down under this fall. Last night I started prepping 20 of them for a new load. They had a bit of an orange hue before I tumbled them (wet, w/ Lemi-Shine and Dawn). When they dried the orange hue was gone, but orange was now quite distinct in the crevasses...
  4. TNBillyEarl

    Work Sharp Elite (blade sharpener) flipped my thinking...

    I have tried more than a few stones, oil, and water over the years to sharpen my hunting knives. Alas, I never could get the edge I wanted. (And I refused to pay $10 to have someone do it for me.) After I discovered Havalon a few years back I didn't expect I would use anything else for...
  5. TNBillyEarl

    A bedding mystery, please advise... **UPDATED***

    This truly has me befuddled. I have a T3x 7mmRM that in the plastic stock is shooting consistent groups every time. The last 3 times out with it in the polymer stock it has been .6, .7, and .6 with a load it has always liked. Now to my issue: I bedded this Boyd's in the pics below. The pics...
  6. TNBillyEarl

    Blind hog, meet acorn...

    I have been piddling with a 7mmRM Tikka for a few years now. I had 2 inches taken off the bbl and it just hasn't been the same since. Last year I just gave up on it. Fast-forward to this week; I have a few friends who are wanting to get into hunting and have asked me to take them to the...
  7. TNBillyEarl

    Hunting over my front yard tonight...

    This Barred Owl won't move from his spot tonight.
  8. TNBillyEarl

    Finding the load in a troubling rifle...

    Hypothetically, of course... Let's say you had an accurate rifle and you cut 1 inch off the bbl. And then let's say that rifle no longer consistently grouped any of the loads it used to. Any of them. Can any of the previous data help you sort out where you are or give direction? Must you...
  9. TNBillyEarl

    Had lunch w/ a Biologist today...

    My wife and I have a saying that is uttered at least twice a week when we compare our days, "You just never know what the day will bring..." Well, today I was fortunate enough to have lunch w/ a Biologist. I have known him on the periphery of life, but no longer. I knew he was an Ecologist or...
  10. TNBillyEarl

    Retumbo and Alliant in stock at Powder Valley... -B
  11. TNBillyEarl

    Keeping up w/ @nydan; also loving the 7mmWSM...

    Like Dan, I acquired a 7mmWSM this year. I haven't dialed it in, but 160g AB were going over 3100 and functionally accurate. The accuracy was adequate, but the terminal performance was amazing. Great morning in the woods... -B
  12. TNBillyEarl

    today's deer was full of surprises...

    This deer has much character, so much so it is probably worth a short story and a few pics. After a couple of hours sitting on a perfect morning and seeing zero, he snuck right by me upwind. But with the strong wind keeping my scent away he was none the wiser. After a rather poor shot...
  13. TNBillyEarl

    three lessons learned this week...

    Context: Last weekend was the opening of muzzy season. I had found a good rub line in a part of our lease where nobody had been. Opening day I set up properly based on the morning's wind and chose to sit on the ground in the hardwood due to leaves and field of view. Around 8:30AM comes a...
  14. TNBillyEarl

    A first w/ a GHO...

    I had a first while bow hunting last Sunday. As the sun was about to come up I had a Great Horned Owl fly right by me in the tree. He never made a sound coming, going, or taking flaps. This really freaked me out b/c it didn't make sense or register with my small brain. I was astonished as he...
  15. TNBillyEarl

    Model 70 Mount and Ring recommendations...

    This is my first Winchester. I have admired them from afar for 40 years, until last week. This is a 2002 7mmWSM; it was made at that time with a sporter barrel placed into a featherweight stock. I'm not a fan of Leupold Standard or Dovetail setups. What do you suggest? For a scope I'm...
  16. TNBillyEarl

    bedding question...

    I picked up a carbon stock from Stocky's. Look at the recesses around the holes for the action screws. How should I go about bedding this? My initial thought is to bed just around the front recoil lug and around both recesses. If I choose to fill them in w/ compound I would need to cut...
  17. TNBillyEarl

    What is this ring at the top of the neck?

    Deer season ended yesterday. Tonight I was cleaning 7mmRM brass (R-P, 5+x fired) and about half the rounds had these small grooves/rings around the top of the neck. What is it? My resizer? A chamber (T3x) that has something odd cut in or out? Please advise... B
  18. TNBillyEarl

    140g Partitions - Factory Seconds... I'm sold

    I've never found a Nosler bullet in any of my game, but I had an experience last week worth commenting on. For various reasons I chose to hunt w/ 140g Partitions this year from my 7mm-08. They were leaving my firearm at 2840 ft/sec and were confidence-buildingly accurate. (43g Varget) I...
  19. TNBillyEarl

    For Sale AG Composites Privateer Rem 700 Short Action Carbon Fiber Stock

    I have taken this to the range 2x, but never had in the woods. My son wanted to go back to his laminate stock. Alas, $600 TYD. Details: Privateer, Right Handed, Short Action for Rem 700 BDL, Bbl channel is Remington Factory Sporter, Mossy Rock Carbon Fiber, Textualized forend and palm swell...
  20. TNBillyEarl

    Nosler Bullet Board I came across this today and thought someone here might be interested. B