1 week!!!


Dec 2, 2010
One more week until bear season starts for my wife. We have 2 active baits going right now with a few nice bears. The stands are set and she has been shooting her bow well the past few weeks. Now we just need the acorns to stay on the trees and the corn to not ripen. I did notice a few acorns in the woods today. I hope she is able to get one to stand still at 14 yards for her.
Looking forward to seeing how it all turns out, good luck to both of you. Make sure you take a bunch of pics when it all comes together for her :)
I will take a pile of pictures if it all happens. She has worked hard so far. She has carried in all the bait so far and will not let me help other than lifting the real heavy stuff. I hope next Wed is a long night of fun.
From everything I have been reading, the corn is over 20% behind normal maturity across the nation. So I don't think that corn should be an issue.

Best of luck to you and your wife!

Best of luck to your bride. I hope she connects on a big one.
