#11 Percussion Cap Shortage


May 4, 2011
Were it not for the generosity of my friend Guy Miner, I would be sunk. Have not seen Percussion caps of any kind anywhere for nearly two years.

Obviously with the latest shortage, it’s probably not a top priority. But are any of you able to find or buy these elusive unicorns?

Is there a nipple adapted to use 209 shotgun primers for a Lyman Great Plains?

I’m to the point of picking up a rock lock just in case I never see caps again!
Were it not for the generosity of my friend Guy Miner, I would be sunk. Have not seen Percussion caps of any kind anywhere for nearly two years.

Obviously with the latest shortage, it’s probably not a top priority. But are any of you able to find or buy these elusive unicorns?

Is there a nipple adapted to use 209 shotgun primers for a Lyman Great Plains?

I’m to the point of picking up a rock lock just in case I never see caps again!
Don't know about a 209-adapter nibble but you can get a nipple that uses musket caps. Have used them in the 1/4x28 thread nipple size. Lyman is a metric size. Have seen musket caps available on different sites. Dan.
In defense of filmjunkie until just fairly recently they seemed to be like hens teeth. And all of a sudden they seemed like they were everywhere. I haven’t looked at my side lock nipple hugger in over two years. Hopefully it’s not a piece of wood and a pile of rust. I was looking for some 777 and #11 caps and was pleasantly surprised looking at powder valley. Powder available and reasonable and so were the caps.
I converted my Lyman Deerstalker by changing the nipple to use musket caps to get better ignition with the black powder substitutes. The #11s worked well with the now discontinued Black MZ but I would occasionally get failure to ignite with 777 and Pyrodex. Musket caps cured that for me. I've never tried Buckhorn 209 in my sidelock with either #11 or musket caps.
Have you tried contacting:
They're my go to place for muzzleloading supplies
Try and find an Accra-Shot nipple on eBay or a similar site. It’s no longer made, but it’s a closed nipple that uses a small rifle primer. Over the years I picked them up, one for each of my black powder rifles. They work great and are very accurate. outstanding in really bad weather. They can still be found from time to time, you just have to watch. Make sure the threads are the same as the nipple in your breach plug. There are 2 on eBay now. One with 6x.75mm threads, and one with 6x1mm. A T/C is 1/4x28 threads, Lyman rifles vary.