115 PT in 25-06

The 115 gr PT is an excellent all around bullet. It will work very well on WT deer and black bear.

I agree with Jim. Everything from mice to moose----shot placement
You should be able to find an accurate load from 3200-3275fps that will be suitable for anything you should shoot with a 25-06.
A guy on another forum I visit has taken a couple of brown bears with the same bullet and cartridge.
akhunter":kmmgijig said:
A guy on another forum I visit has taken a couple of brown bears with the same bullet and cartridge.

A little too brave for me, but then again I never hunted them. :shock:
Wisconsinteacher - I strongly considered using them this season, but went with the 115 Ballistic Tips instead. The .25-06 has certainly worked out well for me on mule deer over the years!

The Partitions shoot well, and are good bullets. Here's a link to a bullet test of the 115 Partitions, with contributions from others. Scroll all the way down for an interesting photo from 6mmRem:


There's at least one hunter here on the Nosler Forum who has used his .25-06 to take black bear, at rather long range as I recall... Why not?

Regards, Guy
When I last did load workups for my .25-06, the 115 wasn't available, and I couldn't get 120s to shoot in my rifle, so I went with the Barnes X Bullet (the original non-grooved ones). When I get around to working up loads again, I'll definitely give the 115 PTs a try...
That's what I plan to run for my wife should she wanna hunt elk with me. It should work fine out to 300 or so. I would shoot black bear and deer all day long with it. Good SD and it should penetrate really well.