125gr Partition in a 264WM for Elk


Feb 24, 2016
New to the forum so if this is posted in the wrong place, please forgive:

My 264 loves 125gr Partitions. They have worked perfectly on many a whitetail. The only one I have ever recovered went stem to stern thru a mature buck and was found under the hide on the ham.

Just wondering if anyone has experience or expertise with this bullet for elk. I assume that a 140gr Partition would be preferred. But I'm guessing that, on anything short of a Texas heart shot (whiich I won't take), the 125s should be fine.

Any words of wisdom from those who have been there? TIA
Glad to have you posting here, JJH. Your 125 grain PT will work very well on elk when you put the pill where it belongs. I might prefer more mass (e.g. 140 grain PT), but the 125 grain PT will do the job. Those long 6.5 mm bullets have excellent SD to penetrate deeply. Again, glad to welcome you aboard.

Welcome to the forum, glad you are here.
The 6.5mm 125 gr PT will certainly do the job on an elk.
Its a pretty robust bullet.
Here is the .264 cal 125 gr PT shot out of a 6.5mm Rem Mag and recovered from water jugs.

I'd run the danged thing for elk all day long! People have been using 130 PTs out of 270's for years. The 125 ain't no different.
I agree with these guys. If your rifle likes them and shoots them well you will have NO problems at all! Sounds to me like all you need now is a sharp knife!
Welcome Aboard JJH. Over the years i have taken 2 Elk with a 6MM REM with 100gr Partitions. One thing i can attest to is when you are at the moment of truth you need patience to wait for the perfect shot and shot placement is key with any bullet. Elk are very tough animals, Deer are not nearly as dense when it comes to bullet penetration. JMHO
Not apples to apples but this bull went down quickly after getting plunked with a 140 grain Sierra SPBT out of a 264 Mag. My grandson's first bull. Didn't even have time to spit the grass out.
I know that the 125gr Pt will work. I have to fall on the side of the 140 gr Pt simply due to the much higher sectional density!
Stick a 125 gr Partition in the right spot and you will be just fine. I wouldn't hesitate to shoot a moose or elk with them.
Welcome to the forum.
A good buddy of mine grew up in the heart of oregons best elk hunting. Most successful elk hunter I ever have known. He killed them with a 264wm. Thought the rifle was magic. He was a nationally ranked cross country runner in college, he would chase the elk up to the road before shooting however.
I have a friend that used the 125 Partition in his 264 Win mag to take a nice bull elk right at 300 yards. He said that he shot it broad side tight against the back of the front shoulder and it stiffened up. While he was cranking another round in the rifle and steadying himself for another shot the elk just fell over dead. He had slipped that bullet between two ribs not hitting any bone taking out the lungs and the bullet exited. From my experience shooting the 264 Win mag on deer with the 130 Nosler AccuBond I would not hesitate to use it on elk. The AccuBond seems to be the best of both worlds. It flies like the Ballistic Tip and is as accurate but holds together like the Partition and keeps on trucking through things.
Thank you, Gentlemen...for the responses and for the welcome. Seems to be a much friendlier and more civil forum that some I have been on! :grin:
Welcome Aboard JJH... Sorry that I have no experience with the .264 on elk, but can attest to the civility and professional decent folks on this forum. It is my "Go To" site in the morning and last check before turning in at night. Always find something educational and/or amusing thanks to the fine folks on here. Looking forward to your posts in the future. Again, Welcome aboard.. Rol
No elk, but I did kill antelope past 300yds and exotics in Texas around 150-200yds with a 6.5x284 wildcat that pushed that same 125 PT close to 3200! From what I saw, I would definitely shoot an elk with it. I went to the 120NBT for deer/antelope as it opened a tad faster.
I shoot a .264 Win Mag but if Elk were on the menu, I would just buy a Box of 140gr Nosler Partition's or AB and go hunting. Of all the costs involved in hunting what is the price of a Box of 50 bullets cost ? I would work up a load with 45 bullets shooting them save 5 for hunting and take a box of your 125gr Partiton's as back up and go hunting.
Most of my hunting trips have been one shot and done, with a few requiring a couple of shots.