130 grain E-Tips in a 270 WSM


Nov 8, 2006
I have been making up hand loads and not shooting them for some time. It seems that something always interferes and I keep accumulating hand loads that have yet to be shot. Things changed today. I was able to go to the range today to shoot several rifles. Among the rifles that I took was my 270 WSM (Winchester Featherweight). It is a handsome rifle, well-built with excellent fit and finish. I worked up several loads for this rifle, including a couple of loads using E-tips.

My first loads consisted of 130 grain Hornady InterBonds and VN165. I have not generally had good success with Interbonds, but one group did give me 0.88 inches.


The picture also shows a couple of groups with the 130 grain AB and some Rottweil R905 that I have. These groups show promise as a hunting load. I'll play with seating depth, and the groups should tighten up.

I had similar results with some loads using 140 grain Sierra HPBTs. The picture states that these are 140 grain A-Frames, but they were actually 140 grain Sierra HPBTs.


Again, there is promise in these loads as I play with seating depth.

I also had a number of loads that use 140 grain Swift A-Frames. Here is one that was built on Supreme 780 powder.


I also worked with H100V, but the results were strange. The groups got tighter as the charge was increased, but velocity was peaked throughout the final three grains of charge. I'll probably set that aside and concentrate on other loads that show more promise.

I loaded several sets with 130 grain #-Tips, and some were terribly disappointing. Hunter did not give me satisfaction at any charge weight. I got one fair group with Magnum.


My final group of the day with this rifle was a pleasure, however. Again, shooting 130 grain E-Tips and RL17, the set started somewhat disappointing. However, as velocity increased, groups tightened. This was the result of the final three sets of loads.


I believe that the max charge of RL17 and 130 grain E-Tips show promise. This rifle may hunt yet.

I'll be playing with seating depth and working on this. The standard deviations were very good for the most part. The rifle is new, and only now beginning to be broken in. It can only get better from this point.
Nice range report.
On the E-Tip, try sating .100" off the lands. This seems to be the where beat accuracy is at.

Thanks for the tip. This was actually my next step. I had these seated at 50/1000 off the lands. The final group is consistent with my experience with the 270 WSM in other rifles, that as pressure increases toward max, accuracy improves. Actually, that was marginally true across the spectrum of powders tested. I really wouldn't complain about 1/2 inch groups at 3250, however. It will work on most any game. However, there is something satisfying about 1/4 inch groups or less. One will not take any more game, but it is comforting to know that your load will shoot to that degree of accuracy.

The E-Tips will shoot, you just need to get them off the lands. Myself and several others have found .100" is where accuracy really shines.
Here is the 7mm 150 gr E-Tip from my 280 AI-

Dr. Mike - Great write up and info! Thanks. Have you thought about using RL-17 with a 140 gr. bullet? I am going to be getting my 270 WSM here in the next week or so and want to shoot 140 ABs out of it and was wondering how RL-17 would do in it. Right now I have some loads worked up with Magpro, and am working on some more with 7828SSC, and RL-19. Looks like it worked pretty dang good for the 130 E-Tips. I might have to get my hands on some of those to try.
I just received a small supply of RL17, so this was my first effort with it. I will explore several options with it, and likely I will work with the 140 grain AB. However, I was really interested in the 130 grain E-Tip at this point, so it is receiving my focus. Partly, this is because I use 139/140 grain bullets in my .280. I have a great load with 140 grain Partition and H100V in that rifle, another fine load with 140 grain BT and VN165, and a third load with 140 grain AB and RL19. Because I have several options with 140 grain loads, I determined to focus on 130 grain loads with the 270 WSM. Ultimately, it is whatever shoots best. However, the ballistics on most of the loads looked good, and now it is a matter of playing with seating depth, I believe. The 130 grain E-Tip is exciting, if for no other reason then that it is new to this area.
I am pleased with this rifle. It has some seriously handsome wood on it. The photos don't do it justice (I'm not a photographer). I'll have to get Bullet to come up to take a few photos as he does some really nice work.





All the new Winchesters I have examined are beautiful examples of what a rifle should look like, and this one is no exception.
Very nice piece of wood DrMike. Winchester has come a long way!

These are some excellent groups and I also learned some new things to try.

I am new to the this board and recently bought a 270 WSM in a Savage 14 Classic and topped it with a Leupold 4-12x50mm VX-II. The rifle comes pillar bedded and free floated from the factory. I like the Accu-Trigger as well. I have it set to 2 3/4 pounds.

I am impressed how well it groups and the different powders it likes to eat. I have been loading Nosler Ballistic Tips and Accubonds in 130 grain.

My best groups are at and under .5 inch with some at .8 and .97. Some slightly over 1 inch. I am working on some case and bullet run-out issues.
With this correction, the groups should be in the .5-.8 inch category consistently. Maybe even better.

My initial seating depth is .020 off the lands. I will most definitely try .100 off the lands on my next trip to the range.

I always like to read the many different posts. It helps me become a better shooter and reloader.

Thanks to you all for sharing your information! :grin:

I wish I still had my 270WSM 130ET target from the load I chose to use. Anyway here's my recipe:
Win Mod 70 - 270WSM
Win nickle brass - trim 2.09"
60.5gn of IMR4350
COL 2.88"
I initially seated the bullet at 2.875 (140AB COL), but after trying different seating depths, I settled on 2.88. It worked and I was happy with it, but I no longer have the target, but I do know it was sub-moa.
Velocity - 5 shot average - 3341fps
I was plenty pleased with the figure and grain of the stock on my new Featherweight, but the those higher grade first-year builds are flat out gorgeous.

Fine rifle!
I'm torn over one of the first year Featherweights chambered in 300 WSM. To get it, I would need to divest myself of my current 300 WSM, which shoots far better than it should. I'm agonizing. One positive is that I would get to work up new loads for a new rifle. Hmmm! This has possibilities.