15 shots and load development is done


Sep 29, 2004
I've never developed a load in just 15 shots before. I had picked up another 7x57 in a Ruger No1 last fall and just started to load for it yesterday. I was given 400 Speer 145 grain boat tail soft points and a bunch of new brass when I bought the rifle. I started off right at a COL of 2.800 and started pouring IMR 4350. It started showing promise right off the bat with bullet holes touching each other.
I went out today to reconfirm my last group from yesterday and also run them through a chronograph. 2930 fps, 4 shots measured 7/8ths with 2 touching. Toss the farthest and it went 3/4ths. Considering I'm shooting with a Leupold 1.5-5 it's all I can do to keep the same aiming point. I think I'm done.... :mrgreen:
Excellent. Mr. Perfection here! I can never be satisfied despite good to excellent results. Consequently, I'm always tweaking. At least I make up twenty to fifty rounds of "acceptable" ammunition. Nevertheless, I'll continue to tweak it.
Very nice and that is very speedy as well.

What barrel length on the 7x57?

Can't beat that sort of accuracy. Should be a great hunting bullet as well.
Man that was quick (y), it is hard to beat a #1 for hunting with that kind of accuracy :wink:.
Thank you for sharing and I will look forward to hunting story later this fall with a few photos :mrgreen:.

The barrel is 22 inches. It's pretty gratifying when one happens so easily, God knows I've had a few that were not so cooperative. The old 7x57 is so underrated, there's not much you can't take with that cartridge and the right bullet. I ran a factory Remington 140 through the chronograph just for comparison. 2570 fps is what they were running.
lefty315":3aosfwc3 said:
The barrel is 22 inches. It's pretty gratifying when one happens so easily, God knows I've had a few that were not so cooperative. The old 7x57 is so underrated, there's not much you can't take with that cartridge and the right bullet. I ran a factory Remington 140 through the chronograph just for comparison. 2570 fps is what they were running.

Totally agree. Love the 7x57. My son has one and it is one of those I'd like to have for myself.
Guy Miner":3q1vstb3 said:
Lefty - you and your Number One rifles... (y)

Ain't nothing wrong with Ruger #1's. :roll: :wink: :lol: (y) I have 20 of them in my small collection of single shot rifles and one Browning B78 as well. Quite a few deer and varmints have gone to that game preserve in the sky via a #1 ticket. (y) Haven't been able to hunt with them lately as the ranch I hunt along with the outfitter do not allow since loaders. :x Still have a few that are not acute at all and I've tried just about every trick in the book and then some. All have the pre-Ruger made barrels by Wilson.
For the record, the only one I would keep if I had to sell them off would be my #1A in 7x57. There's three in the "B" and "S" models that are also tack drivers. If I'm still above ground next year I'll try and see if I can smuggle one in for the hunt on the ranch and just say all the others were stolen while I was at the range and it's all I have. Maybe I can change their attitude. :roll:
Paul B.
If it's worth having, it's worth having more than one :mrgreen: I'd like to find one in a 6.5x55, only because I have about 10 boxes of factory ammo and I figure if you're going to shoot ammo why not do it in style....


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So I just stretched the COL a little bit to play around. The above loading was done at 2.80. Last night I took some out to 2.90 and 3.00. 2.90 put 4 shots into an inch with 1,2 and 4 going 5/8ths. 3.00 put all four shots into 5/8ths of an inch with 3 shots touching. A little overcast when I shot so lighting was very even. I'm pretty sure this will get written in my load book as the load for this particular bullet. Now it's time to play a bit with some 140 Partitions I picked up off a forum member.
Isn't it fun when it comes together so quickly!?!

It's also fun when those so called "mediocre accuracy rifles" shoot so well! Those #1's are more accurate than most give them credit for!

I had a similar experience with my 416 Taylor built on a Ruger M77 LH;
Made up loads with the 350 gr TSX, with 4 different powders in QC brass. When I was finished loading the different powders in various charge weights, I decided to make up some extra rounds for sighting in the rifle with the middle charge weight in the last powder loading that afternoon: 69.0 gr of RE-17.
I had the rifle printing 2" high at 100 yards within 3 shots, and the first 3 shot group ( shots 4, 5 & 6) went just over 1/2", and the next group less than an inch. I did not have my crony that day, but did last weekend for this rifle's second outing. I tried the loads with another powder first; so-so. As it was getting later in the afternoon and I had been working mostly with two other rifles that afternoon, I decided to chrony the load with 69 gr of RE-17 before packing up the chrony for the day;
the group went into 0.400" at 2300 fps with an ES of 16 and a SD of 9!
I don't believe I will need to try the other loads, as this will serve very well for what I intend to hunt here with this rifle (bison and big bears).