185 Nosler JHP .45 ACP

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Put two magazines of handloaded 185 gr Nosler JHP bullets through my beat-up ol' Kimber today at 7 yards:

Just slow, easy shooting, two hand, modern isosceles stance. Bullseye powder. Federal large pistol primers. Mixed brass. Recoil was very mild. I was pleased.

If you haven't tried those 185 gr Noslers in your .45, give 'em a try. They're well regarded in competition circles.

Nice shooting Guy. Looks like the ol' Kimber really like those 185 gr. loads.

Ya - I don't remember EVER loading anything below 200 grains for the .45 ACP...

Light recoil. GAPING hollow point. Good accuracy. Modest recoil. I may have to haul out the chronograph and the milk jugs for this one... Just out of curiosity. I don't think it's a fast load - used 5.0 gr Bullseye. Crisp though. The slide action is QUICK.
They are a very good target bullet and all the military pistol teams use them loaded over 4.7grs of titegroup for right around 850fps. 5grs of bullseye just about duplicates that load. My target load was 3.8grs of bullseye under a 200gr semi wadcutter.
Nice shooting Guy.

The ol' milk jug test would be good. My daughter is picking up a Kimber Ultra Carry II 45 ACP and this just might be the ticket.

JD338: That's along the lines of what I was thinking. I know a gal who loves shooting my full size, steel .45 Kimber, but... She's probably going to buy one of the more compact, aluminum frame Kimbers... And the 185 gr load might just make a big difference for her. It sure was easy for me to keep on target!

TD: ya, I'm going to play with the load a little, but that Bullseye load sure produces a nice brisk slide movement and very positive function.

Have a friend in town who casts a great 200 gr SWC, which I've used a lot in the past. I may have to try your 3.8 gr Bullseye load...

Don't be surprised if you shoot one ragged hole. Used that load for 50yd line slow fire and 25yd timed and rapid.
Guy, here's a picture of what that load can do. For those who are unfamiliar with Bullseye pistol shooting it is done standing off hand unsupported that's with one hand hold not two. The target was shot in the time fire stage at 25yds, 5 shots in 20 seconds and then another 5 shots in 20 seconds for 10 shots on the target.
This was when I was shooting a lot and I doubt if I could duplicate this group today since it was shot 11 years ago at Camp Perry Ohio during the National Pistol matches and my right shoulder was healthy and hadn't been operated on. We shoot on the same range as the High Power rifles use over looking Lake Erie.


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