1895G - WWG Lever / Grizzly Bear Instant Annihilator Trigger

Man, I should hope so, the bullet weighs more than most rear quarters do on the Va deer. Scotty

Last week I shot a .311 group with virgin, nosler cases and 160 AB.Three days later I neck sized only same components and 1.8+-. Then I full length resized, used the same components and 1.25 or so. Factory (yes I bought a box of Nosler Prem Ammo) gets no better than the 1.25 or similar. I have had similar groups with Remington cases in the past.

Day before yesterday I changed to a Remington Case, TSX and a 5 shot group of .831. Tomorrow if the wind does not hit me early I will rerun the Remington and the TSX and see how it does. I am not that unhappy with this group, I just think the AB's are a better hunting bullet.

I will also try the TSX in the Nosler brass hopefully I can get something better out of those $2 cases. I also have not changed the A0L of 3.640. To the lands is 3.8+- In addition I have a couple hundred (three different brands) of 175's that I may try along with some RL 19 that Nosler Recommended.

Thats the short version. !
Bill, sometimes a rifle is goofy with a load and will shoot it well one day and not the next. My .338 Federal was that way with the 210 gr Partitions. One day, under an inch groups and the next day 2+ groups. I just could not get that rifle to shoot those bullets. I switched to 200 gr Ballistic Tips and it settles right down and always shoots that weight. I tried 250 gr AB's in the .340 Bee and could not get rid of flyers but it shoots the 225 Partitions at under 1.5 inches at 200 yards.

I have some 160 gr AB's that I am going to try for my 7mm Mag. I hope that they will shoot for me. I know that I can always go back to the Partition 160 gr in the 7mm Mag and they shoot under an inch. My Mauser really likes 160 gr bullets for some reason.

You have had your up and downs with that rifle, between primer issues and trying to find a consistant load for it. I hope that you can settle that rifle down on an acceptable load soon. Maybe the 175 gr bullets will shoot in it? Some 7mm mags seem to love that weight, some like the 160 gr load better. All of the work that you have done to that rifle should yield some accuracy results for you.
More than a few guys on here have said that the 1895s are accurate and fun. I think Scotty's and my rifle is ready for hunting season. It has just about everything you could add on to it other than a suppressor :grin:
Where does one get a happy trigger? What is the primary reason for needing one. I have not shot my 95 enough yet to determine future needs. ? :grin: :grin:
Scotty and me got our 1895 stuff from Brownells since we get a discount. My factory trigger was heavy and had alot creep. That new trigger made a big difference in the Marlin.
Elkman":2cr8afrn said:
Where does one get a happy trigger? What is the primary reason for needing one. I have not shot my 95 enough yet to determine future needs. ? :grin: :grin:

Like Brian said, the Happy Trigger reduces the Marlin trigger pull by about half. It is very expensive for what you get, but it is about the same as a trigger job on a bolt rifle, so I guess it isn't too bad I guess. Mine is still in the break in phase, but I imagine as I keep shooting it some, it is only going to get better and it is already much better than the stock piece. Scotty

Nice shooting!
I think I am going to get a Happy Trigger for my 1895G.
I just ordered a DRC lever and SS follower. Nothing wrong with the WWG lever, it just looks too big on the 1895G for my liking.

I bet that DRC is nice as well.

I just installed the WWG Happy Trigger and Lever Loop on a buddies rifle this morning. Fit was great, and the trigger is better than mine! Either way, they are a great addition.

Man, I just looked up the levers, those DRC's aren't any less money than the WWGs! They really have the market cornered on levers.. Scotty
I dunno', Scotty. The idea seems solid enough; I'm just worried about letting people know that I have a "Happy Trigger." :shock:
Yeah, I am with you Mike. I would have thought they could have came up with a tougher name like "Grizzly Bear Instant Annihilator", but I guess we are stuck with the Happy Trigger. Scotty
Hoo, boy, it is time for you to edit this thread to read: "Marline 1895G with WWG Lever and Grizzly Bear Instant Annihilator Trigger." :wink:
DrMike":68l1eroe said:
Hoo, boy, it is time for you to edit this thread to read: "Marline 1895G with WWG Lever and Grizzly Bear Instant Annihilator Trigger." :wink:

Good point Mike. I'm on it!

Alright Mike, I fixed it. Should be a little more pleasing to us now, I hope. Scotty
Now, that is a real thread! At least until I get to the second post.
Nice rifle. Needs to be taken for a walk in elk country :mrgreen: Happy triggers are the answer to accuracy in the 1895s for sure. Lets go get a wolf or two while we're at it. 8)
I gave it my best try Mike!

All the new posts reflect the new name for the trigger. Of course, anyone joining in on this thread will be totally at sea if they fail to read the entire thread. Let's go find a grizzly bear to annihilate!
I like instant milk jug annihilator trigger :lol: Thats what it will be doing at the range tomorrow with 500gr DGXs.
Greg Nolan":1baglddy said:
Nice rifle. Needs to be taken for a walk in elk country :mrgreen: Happy triggers are the answer to accuracy in the 1895s for sure. Lets go get a wolf or two while we're at it. 8)

I'm with you Greg and Mike. This rifle needs a good walk in the hunting woods.

Brian I can't wait for the DGX test. Should be fun! Scotty