1911 Dove Tail Scope Mount

truck driver

Ammo Smith
Mar 11, 2013
I was looking for a commercially made 1911 dove tail scope base to mount a Sig Romeo 5 on my Ball gun with out a lot of alteration so I could easily replace the rear sight and put it back on as needed.
I tried the 1911 Addicts forum and also the Bullseye L forum looking for a possible lead.
Lots of discussion but no available mounts being made to my specifications.
All there is are the tactical sight mounts that need factory modifications or custom modifications to mount one.
After being frustrated by all the it can't be done or won't work post I said very simplify all I wanted was a short base picatinny rail that would fit in the factory dove tail and be held by a set screw like the Bomar sight I already had on the slide and one of the members popped up and said if that's all you want I can make it. After talking with him I asked him how much it would cost and his reply was pay for the return shipping.
Before I could find a box to send him my slide to fit the base to he already had it made. I thought man I wish all the gunsmiths and manufacturers were that fast it would be nice.
Here's a few pictures of the base on my slide. It's on its way home now so I will have it by Wednesday if UPS does their job.thumbnail (1).jpgthumbnail (3).jpgthumbnail (2).jpg
that should work just fine . I wonder if the Sig sight will take the pounding . I used Millett red dots on mine . they would take it for a little while then stop working . I have 2 or 3 Millett's here that need to be sent back . I put on ultra dots and never had another problem.
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Your base looks like the EGW I put on my Ronin with a Burris Fast Fire 3. Have fun. Dan.
FWIW, I worked with Trijicon on their RMR programs. The optics mounted on a slide are subject up to 9 g's. Just something to keep in mind.

FWIW, I worked with Trijicon on their RMR programs. The optics mounted on a slide are subject up to 9 g's. Just something to keep in mind.

Thanks Jim.
Yeah I know and one of the reasons for the locking screw along with the dove tail. As far as I know my friend used aircraft grade aluminum to make the base. Sights take a beating mounted on the slide of a 1911 .45. Makes you wonder how they stay together, a .45 acp will actually unscrew the tubes from the sight block and have to have left hand threads to keep from coming apart if you use a single ring to hold them on the pistol. One of the reasons the frame mount was used plus it made it easier to tune the recoil spring for function.


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The Sig Romeo 5 is what I have on hand and this is not a tactical pistol but a precision custom match Bullseye hand gun.
The 1911 .45 in the picture has been accu railed and has a hard fitted custom barrel and barrel bushing. All this allows the pistol with the right ammo to shoot 1.5" ten shot groups at 50yds from a ransom machine rest which is used to test handguns for accuracy.
Sighting in the Romeo 5 was not easy and I had to start at 10yds just to get it on paper. The elevation screw topped out when I got it to center up with 15shots. Full turns on the elevation screw was only 1" a turn. I was turning the screw 4 full turns to see some movement at point of impact. It would have been nice to have a few mills elevation built into the base but the machinist and I didn't know what to expect so it is what it is since it is a prototype.
When I went to 25yds to finish sighting it in I had to drop the elevation since I was shooting 4-6" high which made me happy because now I had room for adjustment for 50yds Normal elevation adjustment is 4 clicks for a 50yd zero from 25yds.
Here's some pictures of the sighting in targets shot one handed off hand no rest.
These targets were shot with 185gr cast lead bullets and the first target was placed in the frame upside down and I shot it with out seeing it since I was only worried about hitting the center which has a 5 shot group to verify the setting. The second target is the 25yd target with ten shots fired to center the sight and was shot one handed off hand. Pistols shot off a rest have a different poi so I shoot the sight in off handed.


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Thanks for all the comments and likes about the post. I know this is mainly a rifle forum but there are some pistol shooters here also who like to see and here new things or what others are doing.
There are pistol shooters and then there are pistol shooters, looking good Roger.
Not as good as I once was but still have the desire to compete, thanks.
Looking good Roger

Thanks JD.
Looks good, Rodger. I am glad it all worked out for you. That is some good shooting.