2008 Blacktail


Jul 1, 2006
Just returned from a hunting trip to Southern Oregon. After three days of hard hunting, in some extremely thick country we were able to harvest a couple of nice 3 point blacktails. I shot this one at about 80 yards, with my Browning A-Bolt .30-06, topped with a Leupold VXIII 3.5-10X40mm, and using a 165 grain Sierra Gameking, over 54.3 grains of IMR 4350. I recovered a perfectly mushroomed bullet inside.
The hunting was a lot tougher this year, as the mountains where we hunt were choked with others hunters. However, we were able to find quite a deer on some out of the way ridges and nobs, away from the 4-wheelers, and road hunters!
Nice blacktail. Good to hear you got away from the crowd. That can be tough sometimes.
We've just got mulies over hear, but I've always wanted a blacktail so I going to give it a try in a late muzzeloader hunt south of medford. It will be my first serious try for a blacktail.
TBASTAIN, Outstanding black tail, really nice one and it paid to hunt the harder places and I commend you for that, because the hunt is what it is all about. I also like the caliber you used, the 30-06 is one fine cartridge and also your choice of bullet. That has been my go to bullet off and on since 1985 and it has not failed me. Fortunately I have placed my shots where they are suppose to go and the 165 GK HPBT has been outstanding in taking deer, hogs and black bear without a failure or second shot. I note that you are using a slower load with only 54grs of IMR4350. I got excellent velocities and accuracy using 58-60grs IMR4350 and my best accuracy to date with the 06 was 59grs of H4350 moving on average out of a 24" barrel at 2953fps. Once again very nice black tale and a good job of hunting. Thank you for the excellent picture. :lol:

Here is a five shot group with the Sierra 165gr GK HPBT using 60grs IMR4350 and a picture of the case to show that pressures are not a problem and chrony average over those five rounds with 24" barrel in Mark V 06.



That is a nice blacktail....I envy you! :lol:
That looks like a pretty big blacktail, not that I know anything about that deer species. I'd be very happy with that one as well.
Thanks guys. He's butchered, vacuum sealed and in the freezer now!

Remingtonman, now it's off to your neck of the woods for Rocky Mountain elk, on the Middle Fork of the John Day...only two more weeks!


Congratulations on a beautiful buck! Good luck on your elk hunt.
