Just returned from a hunting trip to Southern Oregon. After three days of hard hunting, in some extremely thick country we were able to harvest a couple of nice 3 point blacktails. I shot this one at about 80 yards, with my Browning A-Bolt .30-06, topped with a Leupold VXIII 3.5-10X40mm, and using a 165 grain Sierra Gameking, over 54.3 grains of IMR 4350. I recovered a perfectly mushroomed bullet inside.
The hunting was a lot tougher this year, as the mountains where we hunt were choked with others hunters. However, we were able to find quite a deer on some out of the way ridges and nobs, away from the 4-wheelers, and road hunters!
The hunting was a lot tougher this year, as the mountains where we hunt were choked with others hunters. However, we were able to find quite a deer on some out of the way ridges and nobs, away from the 4-wheelers, and road hunters!