2011 decisions

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Am already struggling happily with 2011 hunting decisions.

Of course, once again I'll try to max out my hunting opportunities here at home in Washington, going primarily after mule deer & black bear. Hopefully elk too. After that...

A buddy and I are planning a high-velocity long-weekend strike on Oregon's sage rat population this spring. :grin:

Another buddy and I are planning a return to Wyoming for a re-match with the mule deer there. We've done okay in the past, but haven't hammered the really big bucks yet...

I've had opportunities open up for both New Mexico and Nevada. Not sure I've got the cash to support either of those options this year... Idaho and Montana are only a few hours drive from here and beckon... Wading through regulations and tag application procedures already. I do enjoy the planning, but often bite off more than my budget of time and money allow.

How about you guys - thinking of 2011 yet?

Outstanding! I'm thinking of grabbing a pronghorn tag as well. There's not a ton of 'em near where I hunt mule deer in Wyoming, but there are some, and I've never hunted pronghorn before. Looks like it would be a LOT of fun...
Picked up a copy of the 2011 Oregon regs the otherday. Should be hunting blackbears this spring, mule deer this fall, good chance I'll draw a ML cow tag with my second choice, and a ML late season whitetail tag. My wife has all the same odds as I do for most of these tags. I won't put her in for the ML lags though, she'll get put in for the bull tag that my brother and I drew last fall. Hope she gets it, she has never shot at an elk.

I have a few hunt I am planning on putting in for in Idaho this year as well. One for Mule deer and one for elk.

I was planning on going to Alaska with a good friend for a nine day float hunt in early September, but that is really my busy time of year and I don't think I can take it off at this stage of my life. We'll see though. All the hunts I want to put in for ar October of later so they should not be an issu with work if I get one.
I also plan to head to WY for antelope in the LaGrange area. Maybe even whitetail if the seasons co-inside.
It'll be more of an issue of do I take the 7m-08, 308 or 280. :roll:

jmad and guy
Be really careful about Idaho unless you have really good intelligence. They are selling a lot more tags than there is opportunity, unless you know someone or really know the area. I am not saying there are not elk there but elk numbers are down in some units by 80%.

Now having said that I am working on Wyoming right now. I am thinking of buying a preference point then picking up a leftover cow tag depending upon my draw success and timing elsewhere.
Oregon is figured out, I will be putting in for a first season bull tag, and a second choice Spike tag, if that doesn't work out I will have the option to purchase a second season spike tag.
Nevada, haven't started thinking about Nevada but probably a bull tag in SE part of the state, if I draw there I will probably have to hire a guide. I really don't like that idea!
If Idaho offers the same hunt that I drew this year I will apply again if not I will look at a couple of opportunities near there. (no name creek)
Washington I will apply for a bull tag on the Westside and when I don't draw, I am thinking of Archery hunting on some private land near the coast.The elk are there I have missed two shot opportunities but I am not sure if I can apply for center fire permit then get archery tag? Have to research that.

I have hunted New Mexico two times, long way to drive and was not happy with either hunt. Probably not.
I had a young man whom I worked with this summer commit to helping me with the draw in Montana but have not heard from him in a while. Will try him again.

good luck to all of you!!!!! I hate the hassle associated with the draw process
Doves in Indiana, ducks and pheasants in N. Dakota. Will also be applying for deer in N. Dakota.
After some 30 odd years of hunting trips to Colorado and Wyoming, I once again begin sending in my tag applications.
Wyoming has been my favorite and will continue with applications being sent for antelope, mule deer and elk. Thus far I have been successful drawing and filling those tags so "If it ain't broke, don't fix it". Will be spending almost a full month in Wyoming this fall so that ALMOST qualifies me as a "resident", wouldn't you say?

Good luck to all who plan their trips and good hunting.

Elkman, thanks for the heads up. The last time I hunted Idaho was 2004 (first time), and we did pretty good. The two hunts I'm looking at are coimg from a local guy that hunts those units, and I believe his intel to be good. He offered to go with me, and he is a hunting nut, and knows big critters when he sees them.
Already got my 2011 hunt list printed. Can't wait to see what the draw will bring this year. Havent drawn anything the past few years so maybe 2011 is it.

UT- Elk,deer, antelope,mt. goat,moose,
WY- Elk,Antelope points, Deer
NM- Elk,Oryx
CO- Points elk,deer
SD- Points deer
MT- Combo tag- Great chance to finally hunt there
CA- Elk,deer,antelope,sheep

Good luck to everyone in 2011!! Hope to draw something. If not Wy leftovers here I come!!
Colorado High Country Bucks for me, have 5-Preference Points now, should draw this year. Although the Unit I hunted this past season had lots of bucks, including one Monster, I mean he was 33" plus with lots of Junk on top. Yours truly had only a Cow Tag!Could consider going back there again.

Guy you will absolutely LOVE antelope hunting. It is a kick in the pants to spot and stalk, getting cactus in your knees, butt, and other locations as well!

I'm talking my snowshoes out tomorrow for a coyote by golly even though I never slept a wink last night. Hopefully tonight will make up for it. It is COLD, SNOWING, and full on winter here. Spring bear later on starting in April when I apply for all the special tags.

Okay guys this is year number 34 for MOOSE, SHEEP, AND MOUNTAIN GOAT, and I'm gonna draw one of those suckers :!: :twisted: :twisted: :grin:
CA hunter

What will you do if you draw half of those 15 tags. I had barley enough time for deer this year (in my badk yard) with three elk tags. I couln't imagine drawing half of that list. !!!!! godd luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just applied for the following tags in Oregon yesterday:

1st Season Bull Elk (NE Oregon)
Mt. Goat (NE Oregon)
Big Horn Sheep (SE Oregon)
Antelope (SE Oregon)
Additional Deer (Willamette Valley)
Spring Bear (Coast Range)

Still trying to decide on where to apply for mule deer. I've been hunting blacktails in SW Oregon for the last 7 years and have been pretty lucky so far. I'm starting to think about heading back out after a nice muley though. The desert units that I used to hunt have changed a bunch with the increase in ATV use, so I may have to resort to a high country wilderness hunt.

Tag prices are up a lot this year as well. I spent over $200 on license and applications fees...and on four of those hunts I'll still need to purchase the tag. Crazy...

Nice to know that our seasons have already started again! This is definitely part of the fun.
Greg Nolan":26gsz690 said:
Wyoming for elk with JDMAG. Who knows what else :wink:
DITTO DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thinkin Deer and Turkey with My sonTaylor in Eastern KY hopefully!
I'm putting in for Colorado deer tag and a preference point for elk.
Preference points for deer/elk in Wyoming.
Moose hunting in Newfoundland Canada..Booked...count down starts, 338 win mag style :grin: