2011 decisions

Have 2 preference points in WY for Antelope.

Hoping to get to Africa for a PG hunt late this summer in Zimbabwe.

South Dakota for Pheasants in October or November.

I've got 1 pt for mule deer and antelope in WY but I am thinking about trying to get an antelope and deer tag in a unit that doesn't require any points. I'm not looking for a huge trophy but a representative 13" antelope or 150" range muley would be awesome!
Well, it will be the normal list of tags this year.
I won't say unfortunately, but I had decided in November that I was going to put the rifles down for a few years and bring
the Hoyt back out. I've taken both elk and one coues with my bow - the one that escapes me is a decent Mulie.

Send for Elk preference point & then purchase an over the counter open area tag.
Send for high country archery deer - shouldn't have any issues drawing this tag.
Preference point for Antelope - Have 10 points now, another 6 and maybe we'll draw :roll:
Preference point for Bighorns - might do a second choice ewe tag, as this would be the same area as deer.
Nebraska spring turkey hopefully as well.

My Wife has started shooting a bow as well - Initially she stated that she didn't want anything to do with
hunting with it. Now that she is getting some time at the range and doing pretty darn well, this
may change her ideas. Hopefully she'll send for archery elk, as this too would be the same area I hunt deer.
I picked up a point for WY deer last year and most likely will do the same with what I think will be a increase in hunter applications because of MT price increase. I am planning to hunt WY for mule deer in 2012.