
Oct 21, 2004
Well, 2 months has passed.....where's the bullet?

Still waiting........& waiting.........& waiting.........& waiting........

Any predictions on how many life times it will take to "develop bullets" in 20 caliber?

Or is this like the amused shake of the head and smile I got at the NRA convention in Houston when I asked the question?

I know of a lot of small caliber shooters who are not buying any Nosler bullets in larger bore diameters due to your seemingly "chuckle at 'em and feed 'em fish heads" attitude toward the small calibers.

By the way, I shoot many times more 17 and 20 cailber bullets in one year than I'd ever shoot of your new 8 MM bullet in several life times. And there's a whole world of shooter just like me who would buy a better small caliber (17 or 20 caliber) bullet if it was offered.

Plus, we generally buy bullets by the hundreds and thousands - not just one box to get us through moose season for the next ten years.

:roll: - BCB
Well, I have been surfing the other shooting sites on the net and is seems that the 204 ruger shooters are really scooping up the 20 cal SIERRA Blitzkings and just loving them.

I know that they must be high in demand as the are hard to find any to buy. I have been using 32 gr HORNADY'S for my shooting as they are what I can get my hands on for now.

As soon as I can get some SIERRA Blitzkings I will be trying them out and if they work for me as good as people say they do I probably won't look any farther. :twisted:
Sure could use those bullets now that I have TWO .204s! I don't shoot many "deer bullets" every year, but I shoot the hell out of the smaller caliber guns. You guys are sure missing that boat. C'mon, c'mon, we need boolits!
I have come to realization that Nosler doesn't care about us small caliber shooters that shoot hundreds if not thousands of rounds each year. Nosler only cares about the large caliber shooters that shoot maybe 50 rounds in a couple of years.
Why is That???
I noticed that you have answered questions from the larger caliber shooters but left us hanging on the small caliber side. WTF
Why is That???
If you aren't going to make a 20 cal. or 17 cal. bullet pull your nose of the ceiling and let us know. If your not going to I would rather here that then be ignore by a company that gets my money.If you are going to, don't just tell us to be patient, let us know how its coming along.
I know that it takes time to test and produce a new bullet but there are other companies that have done this in the time that it took you to tell us to be patient.
Come On!!! Just gives let us know, good or bad is better than being ignored!!!

A Swaying Customer,
Slygunner, I agree with you. By now, I would have expected NOSLER to at least make some comment of their production or development.

I have purchased BERGER bullets.....gave up on waiting.


The lack of any noise whatsoever is really deafening.

To me it reads, "screw you, small caliber shooters".

Oh well, my shelves are totally clear of Nosler products now. I gave the last two boxes of .224" bullets that I had to a waste basket that walked by last week. I realize you have been paid for them, Nosler, but at least I won't waste good barrel life shooting them.

No more of my money spent here. - BCB
You guys have to be the biggest god damn children I've ever seen in my life. The ignorance is strong in this thread.
Well, at least that's some kind of an answer....I guess.

Will shooting larger caliber Nosler bullets make us more intelligent and well-spoken like you? :roll: - BCB
Bayou City Boy":226enrhv said:
Well, at least that's some kind of an answer....I guess.

Will shooting larger caliber Nosler bullets make us more intelligent and well-spoken like you? :roll: - BCB

I'm sorry I just find it disgusting that you asked for small caliber bullets and then piss and moan and opt to boycott Nosler when they arent delivered within your time frame. Do you dictate when every business delivers their product to you or just Nosler?
First of all no one said that Nosler had to produce a 20 caliber bullet on a certain date.
Second, who the F#!$ asked you? I don't see where any one asked you anything!
I think the ignorance that you see in the thread is your own-for sticking your $hit covered nose in where it doesn't belong.
You truely are one of the arrogant a$$holes that make the WWW unberable for some.
I don't see where anyone was uncivil with you or calling you names until I posted this. Some day, Grasshopper, you will realize that the forums on the WWW are better for learning and meeting new friends, not for making yourself look like an a$$.
Next time please respond with something intelligent or don't respond at all :roll: .

Can't we all just get along,
slygunner +1


"Patience" has been the only response from Nolser for almost two years on this issue - in person, and on the internet. Any answer, good or bad, would be better than that.

And yes, in my case, I will not spend another dolllar on Nosler products until they can produce some other answer. I won't suffer personally - there are lots of good competetive products to purchase. Whether it affects Nosler in any way at all is not important to me.

My choice - not yours. So don't worry yourself about it. Maybe by serving as a self appointed board cop, Nosler will send you a free box of bullets. I doubt it, but who knows - this might be your lucky day!

Even an e-mail response with a smiley face would involve more time and effort from Nosler than we've received. :roll:

I'm getting just as tired of waiting for load info on the 100 gr. NosBT for the 25 WSSM. I can understand wildcats taking a while but some of these calibers have been out for a long time. If I can work up my own loads on a weekend then you'd think a huge company like Nosler w/ all their R & D people could at least do it in a couple years time!
Wow! That's deep. :roll: :roll:

Someone needs to tell you, though, that its not healthy to continue to drink the bong water after age 30.

Any 17 or 20 caliber rifles? Or are you just a roaming philosopher? :?

Okay, we get it. Several of you are very displeased that Nosler has thus far ignored your loud and persistent demands for the products you desire. Since tantrums only work on your parents, you resort to threats of boycotts. Fine. I too am patiently waiting for a product not currently offered by Nosler. But because they have not yet made it available, I am forced to use a competitor's product instead. A reasonable alternative.
Apparently Nosler has chosen for the time being to continue to provide great products for their multitude of customers who load for .22 caliber and up. I am sure they have their reasons, (Probably something to do with providing sufficient production to supply all those other unimportant calibers). Businesses have to be run as a business and the bottom line generally dictates who gets what. I am sure that when they are ready, they will offer the .20 caliber projectiles that some people would like to see. In the meantime, I am sure they appreciate reasonable requests for other calibers and configurations of products. I for one, would still like to try some Accubonds in 6.5 mm. But I realize the 6.5 is not their highest priority, so I need to be patient. I guess, if I grow tired of waiting, I can start pestering Hornady to make a 6.5 Interbond. But I am pretty sure that Steve Hornady won't be intimidated if I threaten to boycott his products. Especially since the only Hornady products I buy are the 129 and 140 gr Spire Points for the 6.5. And I guess I will continue to use them, at least until Nosler does choose to offer a 6.5 AccuBond. Hopefully that will be soon.
I'm not mad that they aren't producing 20 cal. bullets yet. I'm mad because they have chose to ignore us instead of giving us an update or something besides...Patience. :roll:


This isn't a tantrum or a threat of a boycott. Since this forum has been going, several folks have asked Nosler for information on if/when they will produce 17 or 20 caliber bullets. The answer from Nolser has generally only been '"patience". It appears if these posts are not brought up ocasionally, "patience" becomes "we forgot you and don't feel you even deserve an answer".

For me, I will spend my money where I want to. And you , of course, can do the same. I have no serious delusions that my not using Nosler products will affect their bottom line in any significant way, but my decision not to buy from them is my choice. I see no need for you to worry about my choices.

I hope your days get better in the future where you don't have to worry about yourself and me too. - BCB