22-250 with 50gr BT's and 60gr PT's


Dec 24, 2006
Here is my attempts at messing with the 50gr BT and 60gr PT's. Both loads are VARGET, CCI BR2's and WW cases. I need to chrono them and mess with seating on both of them, but they are pretty promising. I think another, slower powder will work better for them though.

50gr BT

60gr PT

Pretty sure I will have two winners once I do a little more work on them. Scotty
For sure, the 50 grain BT is promising. The PT may just work with a bit of tweaking. I am going to have to break down and pick up a 22 centrefire.
Scotty -

Good deal, doesn't appear you're going to need to do much tweaking. The BT's are looking really promissing.
Those 50grainers have to be smoking -

Here's my chemical comp for yotes -


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Mike, I really like the PT's. Think they will be excellent for yotes if I can find a good load with them. I think with some of the other powders out there, I can get closer to 3500 out of them. Plus, I know they will shoot better. This was really loads left over from last year that I built, but never got around to tweaking. They ran about 3350.

The 50gr'er's were going in the 3800 range. They seem to be accurate, but again, I never tweaked them. I can see by you all (Jim, Mark, Pop) that I really need to step up my game! You guys make me look like horrible! Varget seems to be a great powder for the 50-55gr bullets, but I think I need to get into the H380 or maybe H414 range to ramp up the 60gr'ers. Scotty
Jim, Mark and Fotis,

You fellow certainly feed my RADD. I've never owned a 22 centrefire, though I have loaded for quite a few and shot even more. I have not shot a 22-250 that did not shoot very well. I have produced a number of 0.1 to 0.2 inch groups in that cartridge.
Mike, the 22 centerfires are pretty fun. No real recoil and they are usually accurate beyond belief. Get your self a nice little 22-250 or 220 Swift! You won't be unhappy! Scotty
Mark, Pop, Jim -
Are all your barrels a 14 twist? I have not had a problem stabalizing a 50 grain bullet with my 14 twist barrels, but 55 plus grain bullets won't shoot smaller than inch groups for me. That is not acceptable in a varmint rifle in my opinion. The replacement barrel on my Ruger #1 will have a 12 twist so I can shoot a heavier/longer bullet. Hopefully that won't hurt the accuracy with the 50 grain loads.
Joel, you know what is funny, is the barrel on my 22-250 has a 1-14 and seems to want to shoot the 60gr PT. I know the groups I posted aren't great, but I think there is alot of room for improvement on them. I don't see any problems with stabilizing them. I have never shot a 55gr bullet in my 22-250. I used to shoot alot of the Speer 52gr HP, and now the 50gr BT and the 60gr PT... Seems like 1-14 is on the edge of working for the longer bullets. Maybe with an increase in speed, I will get them in there. I would really like to have my "heavy" 22-250 load for coyotes! Scotty