.223 caliber bullets, can I use them in a 223 Rem


May 19, 2007
I've got a box of .223 bullets they are from sierra I think they are 45 grain hornets. Intended use was the 22 Hornet would they work in a 223 rem even tho they are no .224"? I can't see any problems, but am I missing something?

I think they were the #1110 45 grn Hornet or the 1100 40 grn. Pretty sure they are the 1110's I couldn't hit anything with them out of a 22 Hornet with 11.0 grns of H110. Shotgun patterns, Horrible. The gun was a H&R 158 topper, with a nasty heavy trigger. That was a friends and now he has sold it. I still have most of a box of bullets.
There is a .224 version of both bullets, should I just substitute the data and go from there. I don't see any pressure increases just the potential to not get a perfect seal around the bullet causeing a loss of accuracy and velocity.

The Hornet bullets are of lighter construction than bullets intended for use in the 223 Remington. A .001" reduction in diameter doesn't sound like a lot but it will impact how the bullet obturates to fill the barrel when fired. It may be of too light construction to hold together but might work in a slow twist barrel and a low end powder charge. Never done it myself but if I were bent on shooting them I'd go light with the powder charge and only load a few to see if they were holding together and I wasn't making keyholes in the target. Usually powders with lower velocity have lower pressure too. You might consider a less aggressive powder than you would normally use with your current 223 loads.
I've got 250 50 grn BT's on the way, so I gave up on the old junk. Most likely will just garage sale that stuff. My reloading bench was moved into an unheated garage this fall when we moved. I don't want to bundle up to load and I don't want to be loading components that are still 10 degrees below zero. I think that would cause condensation inside the case and make the loads worthless. Might not, but I'll wait until spring or set up a temporary setup inside just to prime, charge and seat bullets.

You can use the .223" Hornet bullets as trading material. There are still lots of guys out there who seek out that specific bullet. Just make it known that you have them for trade or sale.
Heck, I think I still have the dies minus the decaping rod and expander ball. I put that into my 22-250 dies after I wrecked that one not using enough case lube.
