243 and 105 amax, not bad!!!


Nov 17, 2005
Well after all the headache from my 264 and 140 amaxs, my 243 is taking a different approach with the 105 amax.

I started with H1000 at 45, 46, and 47g, and it showed promise the first time out at 47g. Now I am only able to load these out to mag length which is 2.785" which is roughly .065" off the lands. I wasn't expecting these to shoot worth a crap, and if they did, I'd figure I'd have to find the shorter sweet spot for them but low and behold they are holding .5" at 100 so far on 2 different occasions.

Tried the OAL test on them at 47g H1000. Seated them .040" deeper from 2.785" and they got worse, so the mag length in this case is the best, even though they are .065" off the lands.

47g is getting 3000fps, 47.5g should be getting me 3025-3050fps from my 24" bbl'ed Rem 700 ADL S/S.



Nice shooting! H1000 works great in my .243 as well, and I'm getting the same speeds out of a 26" barrel. Looks like we are going to have a pretty good 600 yard competition now!
That sounds like a great load. Might have to try it with the 100gr PT's. I am restricted in my Rem 700 also for OAL, but it doesn't seem to have mattered too much. Scotty
Ya its not to bad, gotta try it out little longer distance but I need a different scope first before we have our little friendly competition! Am scope poor right now. Thanks for the recomendation on the load Jake. Lot easier going then the 264 lol, was tempted on more then one occasion to tossing it into the pond...

It seems to be a great bullet for the 243/6mm class. Its cheap, accurate, has high BC, reaches to 1K quite nicely, and will open up on coyotes way out there, and I"m sure it'll dispatch muleys/whitetails quite nicely. Cant ask for much more out here where average shot is 200+ on coyotes/deer, dont need a tough bullet.