25.06 help!

When I was loading for it, I was in love with high SD bullets, hence the 120, 117 and 115. Nosler had not yet re-introduced the 115 Partition, so I didn't try it. And I'm pretty sure I need not fear bullet blow up with an X bullet. But I'll get back to it one of these days and try a few other powders with the 100, 115 and 120 Partition, and maybe the 110 AB.
I zapped a couple of mulie bucks with the 100 gr TSX @ 3340 fps - it doesn't blow up, but it sure does a fine job of killing.
I imagine so. I'll be (hopefully!) taking my .25-06 and my new .257 Weatherby to Wyoming for antelope next year, and the 80 TTSX and 100 TSX are on the list of bullets to try. Along with the 100 PT and 110 AB.
Shot the 100 NBT out of my .25-06 for years and years stoked by 56 grains of RE-22 and killed piles of critters, all but one were were 1-shot anchors... the one leaked a little high in the spine and required the coup de gras from the .357 pistola. A couple years ago I got a box of 115 NBTs by accident so I loaded them up with a stout charge of RE-25 and headed to the range. I was pleasantly suprised at the accuracy... simply put, they pack more smack than the 100s and have become my personal favorite (along with the 115 Berger for similar reasons). I've never recoverd either the 100 NBT or the 115 NBT from a critter... and that includes a couple of cow elk. I could live the rest of my life and eat a lot of game meat shooting either of those two bullets.

I've also killed a couple deer with the 100 TSX, but they sure weren't as traumatic as the NBTs... though to be honest both deer went down pretty quick.