I have had a small itch to try the 100 ET's from the 25-06 for awhile. Speeds attainable look pretty impressive via the QL data I have received so I gave it a shot with RL26.
I shot three groups with three powder charges. The ET is .100" from the rifling measured with a Hornady OAL gauge.
The groups with all three were the same size. I am thinking they will have to go deeper to find accuarcy, maybe a little more powder as well..
RL26 is giving very good speeds though and I will continue trying to work it out. Probably start bumping up in .5 grain increments as well.
Anyhow, if any of you all have any pointers, I'd love to hear them. Don't get me wrong, I will get them sorted out, but I am all for saving powder if possible! :lol:
I shot three groups with three powder charges. The ET is .100" from the rifling measured with a Hornady OAL gauge.
The groups with all three were the same size. I am thinking they will have to go deeper to find accuarcy, maybe a little more powder as well..
RL26 is giving very good speeds though and I will continue trying to work it out. Probably start bumping up in .5 grain increments as well.
Anyhow, if any of you all have any pointers, I'd love to hear them. Don't get me wrong, I will get them sorted out, but I am all for saving powder if possible! :lol: