.257 Wby. 100 gr NP and RL25


Jun 28, 2005
Anyone have any suggestions for the 100 gr. Partition and RL25 in a .257 Weatherby? Shooting the 100 gr. Hornady, I can't seem to get a group over 1" with any reasonable (71-75 gr.) load of RL25, with 0.75" typical; shooting the recommended powders with the Partition, I can't get anything under 1.5", with most over. I prefer the Partition on game, particularly at .257 speeds, and hope that RL25 might give me the accuracy that I'm looking for. Unfortunately, it's not a listed powder. Any help would be appreciated (Rifle is a Weatherby Accumark, 26" bbl). Thanks.
Not sure of the load off the top of my head, but my dad has had very good success in his .257 Weatherby Mag using IMR 7828 behind the 100 grain Partition. Velocities over 3600 fps and great groups! It might just work better for you than RL 25.
I tend to disagree with the statement that RL25 is too slow of a powder with the 100 grain bullet in the .257 Roy. This cartridge begs for the slower powders.

If you have tried 71-75 grains of RL 25 with the 100 grain Hornady and turned out the groups like you mention I would say start at the same point and work up slowly with the 100 grain Partition. Just because Nosler doesn't list it as one of they're tried powders doesn't mean it isn't a good powder for the application...in fact, I have become underwhelmed with the Nosler data for the .257 Weatherby. I assume you have the Hornady manual as you have tried the RL25 with thier bullet. I believe they list RL25 as their top performing powder in the .257 Weatherby.

If RL25 won't work for you, give IMR 7828 a try. This is another standby powder in the Weatherby line...but you see very little data on it in the Nosler manual. I have a load worked up in my Mark V with 115 grain BST's that prints sub m.o.a. all of the time if I do my part. I am just not a big fan of that bullet for big game at 3,400 fps MV.

I have since worked up a load with the new 110 grain AccuBond with RL25 that spits them out right at 3,500 fps and sub m.o.a. most of the time...still refining to get it all of the time.

Once again, just because the Nosler manual doesn't list it, don't shy away from it. Do your homework (which it appears you already have), start low, and work up. I'll bet it works like magic for you.