260 AI or 6.5-06 or 7mm-08 AI


Mar 10, 2010
Has anyone had any experience with a 260 or 7mm-08 Ackley Improved. Both word work nicely I a REM 700 SA.
What about a 6.5x06? Seems like a good one as well.
I have shot and hunted with the 260, 7-08 and the 6.5-06.
6.5-06 will take a long action unless you run it as a single-shot.
What do you want to use it for?
Instead of the 7mm08 AI you may want to take a look at the 7mm SAW. It is based on the 7mm08 and Alpha makes brass already , no need to waste components on fire-forming.
Instead of the 7mm08 AI you may want to take a look at the 7mm SAW. It is based on the 7mm08 and Alpha makes brass already , no need to waste components on fire-forming.
Can you tell me what the 7mm SAW is?
Parent cartridge? AI'd?
I have used all three but not in the ackley form. Honestly I can’t tell the difference on game. If you put the bullet where it is supposed to go the animals fall over. I think the biggest difference in those three cartridges will be determined by the bullet you run. If I was going to ackley any of them it would be the 6.5-06 as my 280ai is a magnificent cartridge. Reckon the 6.5-06 would be more of a good thing.
I'd go 260ai for the ease of it as all 3 are in the same max pressure range. The 260 will let you seat out further depending on mag length. For a little extra kick go 6rem ai it to 26cal.