264" 130g scirocco advertised BC


Nov 17, 2005
Was looking over swift sciroccos the other night and came across something that doesn't seem right to me.

They claim a .571 BC from a 130g .264" bullet, how the hell do they come up with that??? Thats higher then any bullet that I can really think of besides the 140g VLD/AMAX, and its really not to far off of those. Beats the pants off any other 130 and 140 bullet reguardless. How do they gain almost a whole .1 value greater??

The 129g SST is pretty sleek and slender itself for a lowly .485

The 130g AB is also advertised at about .488

Anyone care to share thoughts or experiences with this bullet?? Love to hear it.

Think I'm going to make me a phone call to Swift tomorrow while I'm at it, pick there brain a bit...
Seems like that is awfully high also. I guess it would be nice to see how it computes when it is actually loaded and compared with actual drop charts. Scotty
I for one will not be doing that. At $60 a box for bullets, I'd like to hear from some others before I go out and buy them just to see whats up with em.

Not only that, I've read/heard that sciroccos either shoot or they dont, plus they copper foul pretty bad. So I dont know.

Hope my 140g AMAXs turn out...
Remmy, it would be sweet if you would shoot one of the AMAX's into some water jugs at 200 yards or heck, even a 100 yards. Just to see what comes of it. I know you have excellent luck with BT's and wonder if the AMAX is comparable. I have thought about trying them also, but at least want deer/bear capable loads. I know Hornady is now saying their AMAX's are capable game bullets, so it would be good to see how they work. Scotty
I bought a box of Scirocco II in .257 to try out on my .25-06 and .257 Weatherby, figuring if they shot worth a hoot, they'd be great as a long range muley and speed goat whackers. But I have heard they have some pretty bad consistency issues from lot to lot, where you may work up a 1/2 MOA load with one batch, then the next will spray 2" groups. Don't know how much truth there is to the rumor. I have ABs, S IIs, and TTSX to try, should I ever get the bench back up.
I can't see the SWIFT being any better than the AB's. Granted they are about the same price when you consider the Swifts are 60 for a 100 and AB's are about half that or a little less for 50. I have 130's loaded up right now. I am going to keep my eye out for some 140gr AB's or PT's though. I think those would really make the 264 hit hard and penetrate really well. Scotty
The Sciroccos are 100/box versus 50/box for AccuBonds. They work out about the same. I've had quite a bit of success with the Sciroccos in various cartridges. I can't say that I've observed greater fouling when shooting them contrasted to any other comparable bullet. The major problem for me is availability here in Canada. Full disclosure compels me to acknowledge that since they are manufactured in Kansas (my natal state), I would like to use them.
May just be an honest error or specmanship. Guy is right, "cooking the books" for a higher BC sells bullets. Also keep in mind that there are several variables that go into determining BC-temp, altitude, velocity, etc.
