270 win 140 accubond


Mar 10, 2010
I think I've found a keeper, been working up loads for my brother win model 70 270 win, he has a elk hunt coming up, Found the ticket with R19 just under Nosler max, I didn't have a chrono, so speeds not quite sure, but accuracy was there, first group was 3/4" the next on the second test was .39" center to center!!
Now just a little scope adjustment and we are in business
Oh yes. That will work on those elk. How much bullet jump are you using. Obviously you got that mod. 70 figured out.
ReLoder 19 was always one of the best powders for the 270 WSM with 140 grain bullets. It has delivered the goods for me on multiple rifles. Excellent riflery.
Hey hub I'm not sure exactly on my jump, I need to measure it, I was out a bit and just started creating in, glad I found the spot, getting low on accubonds:) I went through 35 or so and several different combos to find it.
rmarshall":2hjhrgt4 said:
Hey hub I'm not sure exactly on my jump, I need to measure it, I was out a bit and just started creating in, glad I found the spot, getting low on accubonds:) I went through 35 or so and several different combos to find it.
That's the thing with the AB. Once you discover the powder and bullet jump your rifle likes its all over baby. AB,s are truly an accurate bullet. In my 300mag I put those AB,s .015 off the lands while in my 06 and one of my .270,s I use a bit more jump. It is truly amazing how well AB,s shoot when one takes the time to figure them out in a particular rifle. With PT,s I run them .010 to .025 which almost always works. The AB,s can be more fickle to figure out but the effort is worth it far as I,m concerned. Your rifle is shooting great. That's why I was curious about the bullet jump your using. :) :)
RL19 is the magic powder in my .280 M70 shooting 140 AB's too. I couldn't get the AB bullets to group till I backed off .050" off the lands. I want to try them at standard spec, which will be more like .10" off the lands in my gun. Nice work with your M70.
Very nice! That's a great shooting load and rifle right there. Congrats.
I've always had good luck with R19 in standard cases. I ran into cold weather problems with it in a compressed load in a 338 Win Mag/185XLC so it spooked me for anything magnum. I knew it shot good in the standard only because it was my favorite load in a 240 Weatherby/90X. I also went with it in the 338 because that 185XLC was so long and slick I had difficulty getting speed with it before running out of room. H4350 saved my hunt that year. I worked up a load for my SILs 270 (22") and the 140AB in 2004 but with R22. It liked it too. You certainly found the ticket with your load Pard!