270 Win 150 gr. BT vs. Coues deer


Jun 2, 2011
This past week I was fortunate enough to shoot my first Coues buck, twice. Shot was 565 yards. I use H4831 in a Win brass and primer.

Shot was quartering away slightly. Entered near the last rib and the bullet was found under the hide in front of the off side shoulder. If you look closely you can see the bulge of the bullet on the point of the shoulder.

Second shot was not necessary but I shoot until they are down. It passed thru.

These bullets are the old version BT that I still have about 100 of. They perform well and I know the modern BT is even tougher. I know these do a great job for me.
Very nice! Great buck and excellent recovery as well! Congrats. Love seeing the old 270 making meat!
Text book performance. Congrats on a dandy buck.

Congratulations on a great hunt. The 150 gr Ballistic Tip is one of my favourite bullets in the 270 Win, looks like the old version worked well for you too. Nice recovery, always nice to find a bullet that performed perfectly like that one did.
Thanks all! I love my 270. I use it for everything I hunt no days. It’s accurate and puts game down quickly. It’s also a pleasure to shoot.
Despite all my smart cracks about the 270 - it is of course a very fine hunting cartridge and has been for a very long time.
Nothing wrong with the 270, that necking it up to 30 cal wouldn't solve... :wink:
Guy Miner":2d49ouz6 said:
Nothing wrong with the 270, that necking it up to 30 cal wouldn't solve... :wink:

Touché! The 270 is a fine cartridge, but it sure is fun to tease those who advocate for it. (y)
"Nothing wrong with the 270, that necking it up to 30 cal wouldn't solve..."

Or .35.....just saying :grin: :grin: :grin: