270 win flair


Dec 2, 2007
I have a friend that bought some bullets at a sheep drive up here in montana. And the bullets are for a 270 win and they are a flair! Has anyone ever heard of these and what do they do to the barrel? Thank you
I've seen them, but never shot any. When I started to reload I got the stuff my dad had. I guess he had bought it in the mid sixties. This bullet was called the wasp, if it has an hour glass shape. It does look kinda crazy.
I looked and they were called Herters wasp waist bullets. late 50"s early 60's good luck.
Thats true lol, but I wouldn't take offence to it since I am from Wyoming :grin:
Since cold_hunter found out that I live in Reed Point, MT (The big sheep drive) he thought he would write me a little PM lol "here in nodak we have heard stories for years about you montana guys and your sheep. tell me do you really put skirts on them first hahahahaha"